Posts by Jpnetco 12
Upon recently researching some of my keyword research so as to move forward with my internet marketing efforts, goals and dreams, I quickly found myself stymied, perplexed and even a little befuddled by a certain result.Now, I have seen this type of result many times in the past and it matters not which KW tool you use, for I have used many, (right now though I am using Jaaxy and it's pretty awesome) and have found that from time to time any and all of them return same said type of result.Up
May 22, 2012
Fourteen years ago today My blushing bride and I snuck away to a little chapel down on music row for some vows and rings and don't you know after all these years one thing remains I'd surely do it all over, again and again. Here's to those who have found true love and to those who haven't Don't ever give up.