Posts by Katzhooper 13
June 07, 2010
I know that the last time the World Cup was on a certain internet marketer made a lot of money from the event and looking at what people wanted from that event. If you haven't read Who Loves Money then you need to do so as the story of it is all in the idea was genius! Google are well known for their ability to change their header when there is a special event on, some of the better known are for the Olympics and if you missed it recently the most used PacMan game on the internet to celebrate th
Way back when I started internet marketing I was as many people are under the impression that the best way to make money was to sell the idea of making money to other people. Around the same time I started a blog called The Affiliate Truth! And for a time the blog was updated daily with different ways to promote websites, ideas on new niche areas, information and tips on building a successful website and on occasion my garbled ramblings! Since then a lot has changed for me, I have been involved
June 06, 2010
 Oh wow! July 2007 seems like a lifetime ago!! I have been somewhat busy and life has taken the odd very unexpected turn in the last 3 years but as I have always maintained things happen for a reason and I know that what is meant to be is meant to be. My skills have changed somewhat over the past few years I have become a bit of a dab hand with a few things one I am proud of is my video skills, and have managed to get a few campaigns go more than just viral clocking up 1 million views on a
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