25 Ways to Promote the FREE WA Test Drive!

Last Update: April 24, 2012

We are a few short weeks of rolling out the 10 day FREE Test Drive for Wealthy Affiliate. This means that ANYONE is going to be able to get access to The Open Education Project to check it out, use it, feel it, engage within it... but more importantly it means a massive opportunity WA Affiliates.

Opportunity that is unmatched in the industry (or anywhere I believe) that can lead to anyone creating a full time business from simply giving away access to Wealthy Affiliate for free. Sounds crazy doesn’t it!

Today I wanted to invite everyone into a conversation and brainstorming session on ways in which we can promote Wealthy Affiliate. I want to encourage you to add your ideas via the comment section below this post.

Here is the current list:

1. Recommend People You Know

Probably the easiest way to get referrals, telling people you know and that trust you is going to be the most effortless way to earn a sale. This could be contacting them via email, in person, on the phone, via Facebook (or other social network) and letting them know about Wealthy Affiliate.

In the past, this was far more difficult sell as people were required to Pay to SEE. Now they can see before they pay so recommending friends/family to a service that you are interested in and they can check out for free is far less invasive.

2. Pimp Your Pinterest

Pinterest has a massive user base...and they are engaged. Since it is a visual environment, you will need to put the emphasis of your posts on the images that you are posting. You could post images related to money, internet marketing, success and then add your WA affiliate link as the description.

The pretty the picture, the more “repins” you will get. You can also take screenshots of your activity within WA and/or the tools here within WA and pin them to your Pinterest pinboards (again with your affiliate link as the description). This is a powerful way to attract interest.

Post a few images each day. Remember to put information within your description about “Try WealthyAffiliate.com for FREE Here”...or something to that effect.
Run a Facebook Challenge

3. Sharing Training (anywhere)

There is a lot of training, blog posts, and discussion being added to Wealthy Affiliate each and every day. You can effectively share this to generate referrals simply be telling people about training and pointing them in the direction in which they can get it.

There is a brand new training/blog/caht at Wealthy Affiliate on “TOPIC_GOES_HERE”. Join WA for free and access it INSTANTLY at the following link:


You can do this with any aspect of WA. It is a pretty fair trade for someone to sign-up for free to access the training that you let them know about.

4. Email List Sequence - Incorporate Training

If you have a list of any size, you can easily leverage this for consistent referrals by adding mention of Wealthy Affiliate regularly within the sequence. Give away information, tell people about some free training they can get (and point them to WA), and contact them regularly reimphasize the fact they can get access to a system to TRY for free.

You could also blast your list about new training, blog posts and discussions that are taking place within WA. Keeping people current will improve your relationship with your list and lead to MANY referrals.

5. Create a Facebook Group

If you have a Facebook Account, this is a free and easy way to get some activity coming to WA through your affiliate link. Create the group around a topic related to online business and invite your friends.

You could then run challenges and contests to get your group to grow in size...you could even make part of the challenge entry to join WA for free! Huge potential there!

6. Business Cards

Vistaprint.com (offer Free business cards, or you can pay around $10 for every $250 cards). Hand these cards out regularly with your website on it, or you could put your affiliate URL on there....and of course your email address. If someone emails you, they are almost guaranteed to be interested and heed your advice.

The business card model will require more human interaction

7. Flyers that are Branded

Create a flyer with your affiliate link, website link, or simply your contact email letting people know about an opportunity that you have that is FREE to try, no obligations. Then post this flyer in prominent locations.

-bulletin boards
-coffee shops
-on posts
-at work

Flyers are cheap to produce and anyone create them. Think of the potential number of eyes on the location in which post the flyer. Test different types of flyers to test conversion rates. Flyers are not widely used but are a very powerful method of getting referrals...in particular when you are giving away something for free! :)

8. Run a Free Training Seminar

  • post your idea about this BELOW

9. Local Businesses

Local businesses need marketing help, yet most don't realize that they can accomplish a lot of the tasks that others companies are charging them a fortune to accomplish.  MANY small businesses don't even have a website yet...imagine if you approached them (via email or walking into their business) telling them they could get a website started for FREE.

What if you told them they could also start learning how to market their business and could interact with many people that could either do the work for them for a small fee or they could learn how to do it themselves?  They would more than likely be VERY interested.

Take this and multiply it by the 100's of millions of businesses in the world and you have a full time business model!

Local companies have money to invest in their business and you letting them know about Wealthy Affiliate will likely lead to long term recurring business and potential "local marketing" clients. 

10. Facebook Ads

  • post your ideas about this BELOW

11. Twitter

  • post your ideas about this BELOW

12. Article Marketing

You can write an article on just about any topic related to online business and drive people to your website or blog where you are promoting the "Free for 10" WA test drive. If you think about the target audience for Wealthy Affiliate it is ANY business and ANY person that wants to improve their financial situation...so just about everyone!

That means that your traffic that you aim to obtain from your article marketing efforts can be very broad, think outside of the Internet marketing box and think of ideas of what people that want to earn more money would be searching online.

Here are some ideas for target audience of WA.

Upon writing your article, submit it to a place like StreetArticles.com where it will be moderated almost immediately (same day) and ranked 30 minutes following that. There are other directories such as hubpages.com, squidoo.com, and ezinearticles.com that can also be effective.

13. MSN Adcenter

  • post your ideas about this BELOW

14. Google Adwords

  • post your ideas about this BELOW

15. Wealthy Affiliate 10 Day Infograph (GRAPHIC) - THANKS WELSHY

This will be a graphic (info graph style) that would represent what Days 1-10 would look like inside of Wealthy Affiliate. This could be based in close relation to some of the "accomplishments" that will take place within the 30 days success club.

This graphic could then be posted on your blog, within your pinterest account, shared on Facebook, G+ and Twitter. It would definitely have a viral aspect and if you are original in terms of the look and style, it could get a substantial reach (leading to a lot of referrals).

16. Show Yourself Interacting Within WA (and Share)

An effective way to promote Wealthy Affiliate is to show people that you are using it and in particular, how you are benefiting from it through interaction. You could take screen captures of your interactions within WA, show people your blog posts or training you have created, and show support and help you have received.

This is something people are not used to in an industry such as Internet business and one that will be appealing ("there really is support there"). You can then post these screen shots with your associated affiliate links on your website, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter...or share with your friends via email.

17. Create Your Own Training Within WA & Share

This is going to prove to be a very effective promotional technique going forward. Instead of creating an internal bonus that you have to deliver, create it as training here within Wealthy Affiliate. In other words, take advantage of the platform that is already built and can efficiently deliver your training to new referrals (will save you a ton of support).

Simply create a tutorial or video here within WA and offer it as "training bonus" if someone joins WA through your link. After they join, they will be able to access your training along with all the other training here at WA and they will be very happy that they made the tough decision (joking) to join for Free.

Ideas 18 - 25 (We need your CREATIVITY)

Ideas that did not make the cut:

(1) Naming your dog after your website - Then going to down to the park and playing fetch with your dog, frequently yelling out the name of the your little .com friend. :)

(2) Affiliate Link Graffiti - We do not condone graffiti at your local train station or neighbours fence in attempt to promote WA. Although it may work, you may need your affiliate earnings to bail you out of jail.

(3) Tattoo’s of any kind - You could get a WA tattoo if you wanted to, but this would be up to you. I don’t think that this is the best promotional strategy and it is quite a painful one.


I will take your comments and update the list of 25 as they come in. Thanks everyone for your help and feedback, I am looking forward to all of your ideas...including perhaps some that don't make the cut! :)

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Recent messages
Marcus Premium
I actually thought about wearing a black t-shirt in Vegas last year with a slogan (in white) on the back that says...

"I'm in Vegas each year because of...[enter your WA promo URL]"

Not to be big headed, but in the couple of times that I've been there I know that a lot of the visitors have blown their life savings to visit Vegas and would LOVE to go back!

That's me though...I'm a funky thinker! lol
kyle Premium
That is a cool idea. I remember walking the streets of LV with you having a discussion about the sheer vastness of the population that would be interested in Wealthy Affiliate...triggered by the mass amounts of people in Las Vegas.

100 referrals should be obtainable for everyone here (minimum) based on the freeness of WA. Everyone wants to create a business and everyone could use access to a place like Wealthy Affiliate to get that online business education. There are a lot of people in this world and we all have the tools to create a good deal of reach!
Marcus Premium
Yeah...amazing memories (after the Beatles Love show). :)

100% agree about the potential for WA for affiliates now - it's a no-brainer for anyone wanting to develop a business online, and that plays right into the hands of anyone who is prepared to put their stuff out there and recommend WA as a solution.

Incredible opportunity to secure a recurring income :)
Stacydee Premium
Great idea!
Marcus Premium
LOL Kyle...I am honored ;-)
kyle Premium
Haha, I had to add the ones that didn't make the cut as well, even your tattoo idea!
CSmith1 Premium
Would be good if someone with good graphic skills created a WA infograph we could all use and spread around, I don't mean just a banner, maybe one starting with:

WA Day 1 - little text info and pic, then arrow to pointing to WA Day 2.
WA Day 2 - little text info on first site up and running and pic, then arrow to pointing to WA Day 3
Ending with WA Day 10 seeing the light.
kyle Premium
That is an awesome idea Craig....I have seen a bunch of those infographs on Pinterest lately and the get shared a lot. I think something like this would be great to have...adding to the list.
morlandroger Premium
Have tried to get daughter to build stuff like that for me. Graphic design student. She smiles says, yes then goes back to bed :-( She is off back to Uni tomorrow
fishing Premium
Would it be out of the question to place an add on say my golf site, I realize it does not seem to be the norm to advertise something that is not connected to your niche....but giving free away anywhere people just like free...the word attracts customer....free...do you think that it is worth putting marketing on a golf site??? With some text saying how I am working throujgh in WA and how it is helping me find my way.....I really like the flyer idea maybe connected to a facebook acount....we talked earlier on this subject....the businessd cards I like to....leave one or two everywhere you go...low paying jobs...resturants...walmart.....everyone just about has access to a computer....this may get very exciting cant wait t give it a go....please let me know your thoughts on WA for free on my golf site.....thanks....
kyle Premium
Yeah, this could work. The thing is that the audience for WA is pretty much everyone, so although someone could be on your golf site, they are likely also interested in business and business opportunities.

Here is another approach. You could say "Want to create site like this one?...Join here for free to check out how I built this site".
IveTriedThat Premium
So you're telling me that I got this WA face tattoo for nothing?
kyle Premium
Sorry not quite Steve!

But if you do get a WA tattoo, please post your pic we would love to see it!