A $1000 per day. It happens...I know.

Last Update: July 25, 2012

I am going to tell you a story...one that I haven't shared with anyone to this day.

This story takes me back to 2004, in the earlier stages of my entrepreneurial activity online. This was a time when affiliate marketing was just a mere fraction of the size that it is today, yet there were still some really awesome rewards to be had back then (I personally believe there are more now).

I initially started out in the PPC world. I was thick and heavy into keyword research as keywords are what make or break your business in the PPC world.

Sure there is the structure and flow between your keywords and the products you are promoting, but there were definitely trends that I saw between keywords that were converting and ones that were not.

One day I found what I thought to be a gold mine.

It came in the form of a keyword that would yield me 1,000+ clicks per day at an average of $0.50...I had a decent sized PPC budget at this point and I could afford the expenditure of $10,000+ per month in advertising...but only if there was a profit to be had.

Anyways, I will cut to the chase.

I had a simple, 3-4 page website and I sent the traffic from this keyword to a page on my site with highly relevant content, helpful info and the promotion of a highly targeted product (through an affiliate program).

This ONE keyword earned me more money than I could ever imagine. I would consistently earn $1,000+ per day from this one keyword! Yes, ONE keyword and this gold mine lasted for close to a year before an influx of competition entered the same keyword space.

It was like clock work.

Every day I would wake up and make sure the keyword was well funded...and that my ad was still live. Then I would watch the money from this ONE keyword come in every day, $1,000...$1,000 more...$1,000 more.

In fact, ONE keyword made me more profits than most people make in 3-4 years, in ONE year. So I could have gone and got a job at the bank or a construction job or a job at a local IT company (which I had prior to "finding" the Internet), but instead I found one keyword.

Back then I didn't really understand the benefits of SEO...but if I did, this would have been free traffic I was getting by getting free search rankings! Free traffic would have mean ALL profit!

Crazy isn't it....

This is something that will happen the more that you work within the online world. This is something that has happened to me many times over the years...perhaps not to this exact scale, but there are BILLIONS of keywords out there, many of them which have next to no competition.

Many of them with this sort of "astronomical" potential.

Sound appealing?

Sure... not every keyword is going to turn out to be a "profit whale" like this one, but I just wanted to put things into perspective for you. Keywords are the root of all searches online and understanding them and understanding how to rank under them can be a very lucrative venture...

Meaning several $100K per year...

And if someone comes in and out ranks you, there are MILLIONS of other keywords out there.

Jaaxy will help you find these keywords!

Plain and simple.

The upcoming two BONUS Live Training sessions are going to help you find awesome keywords, ones that you can get amazing rankings under. Ones that you can turn into residual profit machines. Ones that can allow you to cumulatively grow your business.

If you trying to earn money online and you don't understand the keyword game, I highly suggest you take us up on our Summer Extravaganza bonus. You have less than 2 days to take advantage of this and opportunities like this only come along so often.

$696 in bonuses for a $19 product, c'mon, this is a no brainer!

Get Jaaxy today and get into the keyword game! I don't want to see you wasting your time and energy with the wrong tools, data that doesn't matter (like backlink counts)...and no more spinning your wheels in this online business.

You have everything it takes...except the right keywords. Get them now @ Jaaxy.

I hope you enjoyed my story...about my one keyword and the extraordinary success. This happens...happens to many people that I know, and it could happen to you.

Note: If you are a member here of WA, please do not feel like you need to "buy" something else, in particular if you cannot afford it. Jaaxy is an enterprise keyword and research suite that you may want to use if you want to expand on your toolset for research. By no means is it a requirement though when starting out!

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Labman_1 Premium
Th WA keyword tool give the same results as Jaaxy. The results window is different but that is the only difference with the results. The layout is much different but both are great tools.
Labman_1 Premium
So, if the keyword is no longer relevant due to competition, what is/was it. Inquiring minds want to know.
kyle Premium
Top secret. I can tell a story without spilling all the beans can't I?
Deezdz Premium
Kyle, I appreciate you sharing your story, and like always, find your personal experience extremely inspirational. I respect everything you have accomplished and how you've created this great community to help others like me to learn and succeed.

Yesterday I responded to a new member who was questioning his WA trial due to the Jaaxy promo. He stated he joined WA which promised one of the "best keyword tools around", and now he's being encouraged to purchase a membership with Jaaxy because that's the "best keyword tool around".

I'm the first to say, business is business. If you have a great product, let me know about it. But I have to confess, with all the Jaaxy promo, it leads me to believe that using the the WA keyword tool is sub-par. Many of us don't have the additional funds for multiple monthly subscriptions. And personally, I've always like the fact that WA doesn't try to up-sell or affiliate link me to death and you and Kyle are genuine in trying to provide the best tools/support to help us all succeed.

So after that little rant.... for all of us not ready or able to purchase Jaaxy... is using the WA keyword tool still effective?

kyle Premium
Yes, using the WA keyword tool is more than effective. It relies on the same data as Jaaxy. However, there is a promotion going on that people should know about, but by no means feel like you have to invest MORE money, in particular if you don't have it to invest.

Jaaxy is more of an enterprise tool and it is a complete research suite. The business is completely independent of Wealthy Affiliate and since it is something that has been created by us, we feel comfortable promoting it to members here and members that use Jaaxy love it.

All the techniques I describe and that I outline can easily be complimented with the keyword tool here at WA.
kyle Premium
PS. I added a note about this at the bottom. It is not my nature to "promote" to people here at WA, however I do want to encourage people that are interested in a more advanced research tool to consider this offer.
Deezdz Premium
Good to know Kyle...I appreciate the reassurance and I'm sure some other WA members will too. =)
mskathidoll Premium
Your story motivates me even more.I still have so much to learn. Thank you Kyle.
kyle Premium
That is awesome, glad you enjoyed the story and hope it serves as motivation going forward!
kamali Premium
Great inspirational story. Gives me the motivation to keep trying. I have been in a bit of limbo since the penguin update.

Not sure whether to abandon my sites and start new ones or keep chugging along. I think I will continue to update my sites but will definitely put some more effort into keyword research moving forward.

Great story Kyle!
kyle Premium
Google Penguin has hurt a bunch of folks out there and it mostly hurt people that were trying to Game Google through backlinks, spun content or duplicate content.

Remember to focus on content and stay away from any techniques that don't seem "right"...if you are not doing something to benefit the reader/user, chances are Google is not going to like it at some point.