a whale or a gambling addict?

Last Update: June 15, 2010

Have you ever heard of the term "whale" in respect to business?

A whale is someone who drives a ton of business your way.  It could either be a customer, a partnership, or an affiliate (sales person) of yours.

For example, casinos refer to a Whale as someone that spends a lot of money at their casino. They are few and far between but sometimes these customers can generate them a million plus bucks in a day!


The goal of many business is to seek out these whales because if you find them, you are going to make a ton of money.

But...I think they are approaching this the wrong way.

You can create your own "mini-whales" by implementing and understanding my latest marketing strategy.

It comes down to three important items.

Item 1: Being real.

Item 2: Giving more.

Item 3: Knowing your stuff.

You will see exactly what I mean here.

As an affiliate marketer or merchant, your goal is to create repeat customers.  In fact, your goal is to first create that customer before you can even consider a multi-sale relationship.  But it is very important that you understand the core "relationship" principles to achieve this high profit customers.

The more nurturing you give your oyster, the bigger it will grow.  That is the premise of my analogy. 

Click HERE to read my latest blog post!

Let me know what you think...leave a comment!

 To your inevitable succes,


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kyle Premium
No problem iFaith. Glad you liked it. :)
iFaith Premium
Excellent tips for creating repeat - power customers! Thanks Kyle.
kyle Premium
Yeah, we are already working on the iPhone app...it is called WA Gingko. It will make you absorb and react to everything you read! :)
Petre Premium
That could be an ideea :)) Like your post Fallulah..
Fallulah Premium
Great blog post Kyle. I wonder if somebody could invent something so that we could flick a switch to make every brain cell absorb and integrate posts and education ... There's so much good stuff here ... lol ... maybe an iphone app lol!!!