Am I the MEAT on the Facebook Bone?

Last Update: May 31, 2012
A few days back I was on the Wealthy Affiliate Facebook fan page and I noticed one thing that was very apparent...

Facebook has officially started to dig their own grave!

They are now trying to charge businesses to SHOW their posts to people that have already liked them. I am not sure the logic behind this, but don't people like you for a reason....because they want to see the things you have to say and your activity.

Welcome EDGERANK...

Facebook has recently revealed the true reach metrics (percentages) right within your storyline on business pages. Up until now you were in the dark as to exactly what sort of limited results the EdgeRank algorithm was having on your reach within the news feed.

EdgeRank is Facebook’s internal algorithm that determines what makes it to the News Feed by assigning a value to every story...I mean seriously if all the activity from every friend was put onto the news feed, then it would be an overwhelming experience.

This value is based on affinity, weight and time. Affinity is the relationship between the user and the page or friend that created an item. Weight is affected by the type of story, for instance, whether it is a photo upload or a comment on another person’s status.

Facebook now tells you what percentage reach you are getting. Take a look at my some of my recent posts:

Average Example

Highest Reach Example

It is quite discouraging now that the data is there as to how little reach you have as a business. An average post will lead to around 10% exposure (to the people that like you) and on the high end you will be reaching around 18% based on my data.

Facebook knows very well your exposure is limited and has aimed to monetize this through the new “Promote” feature on business pages. Now for $5, $10 or sometimes $15 you can gain additional exposure to your website.

This is OK, however should a business have to pay to connect with people that are already essentially “friending” their service and conversely, should the “users” within the system be inundated with promotions just because someone has paid for them.

First there were ads, now there are more ads. Are the users going to have to pay to remove these posts soon?

Why Facebook Might Fail and Google Won’t!

Google has it right.

Facebook HAD it right.

Google has remained so successful over the years because their focus has remained on usability over profitability. Search engines have come and gone and tried to fight for some of Google’s users, but Google was able to fend them off.

The reason? Their ongoing focus on users.

Yes they are vastly profitable business and yes they run their operations as a business, but their service is free for people that are "searching". That has been their focus over the years and by focusing on the "USERS" that drive the system, they have remained the top search engine.

I remember how peeved off people were when they found their Adwords accounts had been suspended (over 1 million people and counting). This is a testament that Google was making a decision for their users, and not the money.

The minute people stop using their search is the minute they no longer have a business. The minute Facebook starts losing users to other mediums that build for users (and not business) is the minute they will start losing the handle of their business.

Is Facebook a social network? The more I use it is beginning to feel less and less social and more and more commercial enterprise. Only time will tell...but I can assure you that we will not be paying to promote a wall post any time soon.

The grave may be dug one shovelful at a time.
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andre.ramos Premium
great post, you showed a lot of experience on this subject!
here in brazil, "orkut" (which belongs to google) was by far the social network with most users and it lost almost everyone to facebook...
looks like google is coming back with g +
i think every social media, as well as any innovation or product, etc., has its time, maybe fb's era is coming to an end soon, who knows?!
i've already seen facebook as a too much focused on money enterprise but i've never stopped to think about google from your point of view... interesting!
kyle Premium
Friendster...MySpace...Facebook...??? Who knows. As I said, I think it is their market to lose not necessarily someone elses to gain. It will be interesting to see how this one pans out.
Labman_1 Premium
I have been stepping away from Facebook for a while now. Finding that my posts have not the penetration that I thought makes me very disappointed in this network. I have noticed that postings that used to be well received have little or no impact with my followers now. I get lots of requests to join games and add my name to various apps but have resisted this. I'm not on Facebook to play games, I'm there to keep up with family and friends. I haven't been a fan of the new timeline or the feed that I have seen lately. Somewhat disillusioned with this platform right now. After reading your post I guess I have been reacting to their changes on a visceral level without knowing what the problem really was. Buy Exposure....I think not. Not quite ready to drop my account but I'm not a fan.
kyle Premium
Yeah, I have noticed lately that user engagement is not what it once was. I think a lot of people are still reeling from the Timeline update and a lot of people simply do not use FB in the way they once did. It has gone from primarily a photo discussion and status update site, to app spam and news feed spam which you are required to download in order to accomplish anything.

The next 12 months will be an interesting one in the social space.
TduhT182 Premium
Also a reason I'm thinking I need to learn about G+, it seems to be gaining popularity!.
Poor Zuck's got allot on his plate right now, lets see if he pulls a rabbit out of his hat!.
kyle Premium
It is gaining popularity...I have always said the usership at Facebook is theirs to lose and if they continue down the path they are going, people are going to start moving of to G+ (whom is quietly making their social interface better and better).
Carson Premium
traykor Premium
Now this my friends is an interesting read...
Thanks Kyle!
kyle Premium
Thanks, glad you liked it. :)