Are that Microsoft Hating Days Over?

Last Update: September 07, 2010

I remember back when I was attending college for computers, there was an apparent hate for Microsoft and MS products in general.

Why?  I mean, they pretty much own the Operating System market and have for quite some time.  

At the time, Bill Gates was the Richest Human Being in the world.  Why hate that?

Because they were controlling a monopoly.  They new the OS business better than anyone and they still do.  Microsoft had more money than anyone.  They had more resources.

People cheer for the small guy that has a glimmer of hope over the big guy who bullies and continues to win all the fights.  

People rooted for Rocky Balboa..he was the underdog.

People usually root for a team other than the NY Yankess...because again, they want to see the underdog win (sorry if I offended any Yankees fans).

But now, I see too big companies running into the spotlight.  Microsoft hasn't done much that has caused us too much pain in awhile (other than the persisting Internet Explorer problems, and those companies are:

APPLE and...

Any Guesses?


These are both well greased machines that are spitting out billions in earnings faster than they can get their tax forms filled out.  Apple has concurrently taken over the mp3 player market, the digital music market, the smartphone marketing, the tablet market...and likely is going to be making a presence in the online payment market and advertising market real soon.

Those jerks right?

Well, Apple is still coming out with quality products.  Still fighting good wars.  And hasn't becoming HUGE bullies as of yet.  They did get slammed for the iPad and they did get slammed for the iPhone 4 antenna issues though...

That is because people loved to seem them rise from the underdog to a winner, but now they are at the top, they hold some monopolistic values and people want to see the castle crumble.

Now on to Google.  Over the past couple of years, they have taken over paid search.  It was gradual but they did climb to almost 80% of the search market share.  They started to moderate the Internet.  They were a controlling factor in which people could see what, and what people saw through their search algorithms.

They still have more than full control.

However, people are getting fed up.  Advertisers are getting fed up...and the be honest, I think along with Apple, people want to see the monster blimp deflate and come back to reality. 

Too much control over one thing makes people anxious. 

Not to mention, advertisers are getting slapped around left and right.   SEO marketers are getting pushed out of the rankings after years of success.  And Google is forcing smaller companies that rely on them to change all of their practices to fit what "they want".

Unfair.  You be the judge.  I am fairly unbiased, I am just the messenger.  I do think that one company controlling one aspect of the business world and cornering it is never good, but I do believe that 2 bad companies competing for market share is much worse than one good company owning it.

That leads me to my latest blog post...

Is Bing Really Gaining Momentum?

Is Microsoft going to become that hated company again. The one that Google and Apple are starting to become?

Your feedback and responses are always encouraged!  Thanks for listening...




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kyle Premium

I agree with you. Innovative companies grow to this stature in this day and age. I mean, without Apple, the iPhone wouldn't be here...and I wouldn't know what to do with myself when I am standing in line at the grocery store or at the gas station pumping gas...haha. There will be new underdogs that we root for, and yes, I remember when I saw Apple as being just a weird company name for something in the tech industry. How things can change through innovation and good leaders.
kyle Premium
@ Bass

Gotta love Google for many reasons. We owe Google a lot for the innovations and allowing us in the first place a medium to get stuff out there for free. They have becoming to big though in my belief to not becoming evil in many respects...that is their slogan and it will be interesting to see if they live up to it.
Not2Late Premium
Nay, never hated any of them. I can't say that we've been hurt because of any of them. More power to those who can rise to the top. They were all underdogs at one time, no? If we "hate"., usually it is out of envy... ;)
Jamie Smith Premium
I will give my opinion on your great blog. I don't hate on any of the successful companies mentioned above. I am forever grateful for my PR #2 on google for BassDrive plus for the thousands of people worldwide that stream our station on iTunes radio and on their iPhones each day. I will gladly go on record by saying that I think AT&T is garbage. I am waiting for their exclusive contract with iPhone to expire in 2012 before I purchase an iPhone. I was doing a Drum&Bass studio session in San Francisco and watched my studio engineer drop 8 calls within an hour and a 1/2 courtesy of AT&T, I certainly won't blame the iPhone for that. I will also gladly go on record to say that Comcast is garbage. Not for their internet service, but for their shady lobbyists throwing around all that $$ on the Net Neutrality battlefield.