Are You An Ambassador of WA?

Last Update: April 04, 2012

I first off would like to welcome everyone to Wealthy Affiliate, The Open Education Project (OEP).   WA has evolved to all sorts of new and exciting levels.  First and foremost, our training platform at Wealthy Affiliate has been completely upgraded.

Anyone is now an active contributor of The Open Education Project.  That is why we coined it with this name.  It is open.  It is training.  And it is an ongoing project that will never end as there will always be new training as the Internet business space evolves. 

The top contributors within the OEP are going to earn Ambassador status of Wealthy Affiliate.  This is going to equate to a lot of opportunity, which includes but is not limited to:

(1) Financial Incentives
(2) Large Following Within WA
(3) Beta Access to New System
(4) Brand and Credibility
(5) Las Vegas Ambassador Trip (fully paid in late 2012)

To become an Ambassador is quite simply.  You need to offer quality and value to the community here at WA, in the forum of social activity, creating training on a regular basis, being active within blogs, and being responsive.  Basically, giving back or paying it forward will earn you a spot in the Ambassador program.

There is going to be massive upside potential as we move through the Summer of 2012 for Ambassadors and contributors within the community.  We are not limiting this program, so if you are interested be active within WA, be engaging, learn for others, help others, and continue doing what you are doing (working towards greater success). 

I hope you all like the OEP version.  As with any "change" it may take a bit of getting used to, but I think you will thoroughly enjoy it as you start to dig deeper into the system.

The Open Education Project is here!



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smokeywins Premium
This is totally awesome. Time to brush out the cobwebs and get to work
kyle Premium
Yeah, you are definitely going to see a lot more in terms of contributions from us as well. :) Training is actually far easier and fun to create now!
Marvin Premium
I might actually stand a chance with the Ambassador system. I never tried to promote WA since it seemed like everyone else was, too.
IveTriedThat Premium
I love the new Ambassador system guys. Rewarding the most active members of WA is an excellent step forward.
kyle Premium
I agree Steve! I think these are the people that should truly be rewarded for their efforts within WA, there is a lot of upside in store for Ambassadors and contributors of the system.
TduhT182 Premium
well, there goes any possibility of sleep tonight!. AWESOME
Carson Premium
Carson Premium