Are you better than 8.2% of people?

Last Update: June 04, 2012

I know this question seems crazy when it is portrayed like this, but when people think of unemployment they think of it as something that may almost be inevitable based on the current company they are working on or the current state of the economy.

What people don't consider is that when there is 8% unemployment, there is 92% employment. That is still pretty good odds in my book. If you told me I had a 92% chance of accomplishing something, regardless of what it was I would make you a pretty big bet every time that I would be able to achieve it.

I think people get lost in all of the bad news and it may be their own bad news of losing their job, but there is a huge upside. Not only do you have to be better than the 8% to get a job, there is a vast opportunity waiting for you in the online world.

How exactly does this relate to the Internet world?

You are here for a reason. You want to create success right?

This is possible but you cannot look at this as though it is some sort of scheme. It is the same as the offline world in that you are essentially competing with a lot of others trying to accomplish the exact same thing. Fortunately for you most people are looking for a "get rich quick" solution and not willing to put forth any decent amount of effort to achieve success.

The opportunities also reach far beyond any offline employment. If you live in a jurisdiction where there is minimal employment opportunities, then the Internet is the PLACE you want to be. Your reach on the Internet is THE WORLD and you can create a presence in ANY NICHE that you like. Whether this is dogs and cats or power tools, you can absolutely create a business doing something you enjoy and that you love to do.

And I have more good news for you!

Most people DO NOT know what they are doing!

I can assure you of this. Most people are trying to do stuff that worked last year or the year before. The problem is that most training online is "product" based, is not a community, and is not current. Wealthy Affiliate gives you the pulse on the Internet business industry and you will get an idea of what is happening online today simply be hanging out in the community.

People are still attempting to build business using PLR content, Backlinks, spun content, auto blogging/commenting/submissions and believe that success can be achieved in an hour. It CANNOT and these techniques are DATED.

That is good for you. This means that your competition...the people that you need to be better than in order to obtain huge reach within certain niches are doing things all wrong.

This should be exciting to you. Almost everyone online is within the 8% as they are either doing something that does not work these days or they are not willing to put forth the effort to create something of value online.

If you learn what we teach here and are willing to put forth the effort, success is a 100% reality.

Success has to do a lot with perspective and a lot of people I see set themselves up for disappointment before they ever give themselves a chance for huge success. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt, you are much further ahead of the game than you think. You have a 92% chance!

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slayton1s Premium
I agree. I think a lot of people believe it's like impossible to get a job anymore. Well, I have a job right now and my sister, who graduated Valedictorian of her class this year from high school, has been working a job at the local bank for the past 3 years. All you have to do is look, apply, and work... Yes, I'm sure there are some places out there like California where it's hard to find a job...but I mean come on. You have the whole world to explore for jobs. Use your head.... It's not hard if you apply yourself.

Yes, I know that some people can't get a job because of special circumstances they're in (like living in an African country with nowhere to go & without enough money to get anywhere), but I mean I think as long as you continue to apply yourself, that's the main thing. My dad actually runs his own local business for Bait & Tackle after having a position for Branch Manager of Terminix, but of course it was established back in the 70's with my grandfather. He now runs it & I help him out with it whenever possible. It's my plugin to delving into the local marketing aspect of things too. ;)
stadium Premium
Don't mean to correct you, I know they said its 8.2% but realistically it is more like 15%
NatureLynn Premium
Agreed. Actually much higher. Probably 25%. There are a few analysts who will tell the truth about this, but not the government. There are supposedly over 80 million people in the US that that aren't working that should be working. They are no longer on the Unemployment rolls or never were on the rolls. Many have simply given up searching for work after 2-4 years. The government does not count ANY of these people in their figures. It's all B.S.

Does not help that some employers are actually putting in their job ads "Unemployed Need Not Apply". They get away with it because there is nothing in the Labor Laws that prevents discrimination against the unemployed. Many HR managers have openly said in interviews that if someone has been out of work for over 6 months, they do not consider them employable.
kyle Premium
I agree that the numbers are always much higher...but I would also have to say that a high percentage of people are also sitting on unemployment compensation and not actively working for work.

Plus there is a big issue associated with jobs being available but nobody qualified to fill them...and of course, jobs moving overseas because it is far more cost efficient in many industries including tech. You can't rely on being employed like you used to and you should be taking action to better your own situation, don't leave it up to someone else.
stadium Premium
Yes, totally agree people are sitting on unemployment. Not trying to be political but there's a certain side of the political aisle wants you to be comfortably unemployed because then you will keep voting for those who make it possible. It's a political tactic. Also agree there are some jobs that can't be filled because there are not the skilled people to fill them. An example of this are found in the trade of welding. A lot of demand for workers here but no supply.
NatureLynn Premium
@Kyle - all of that is true as well. I think some people just cannot fathom doing their own thing and frankly I'm not sure if some people are made for it. It may be that whole: go to college, get a job, retire, die thing that many are taught from birth.
andre.ramos Premium
Smart words.
ThomasPaul Premium
I think the part I like about WA the most is the fact that it's community driven and you guys have revamped it to make it that way. As a result, you get access to updated stuff that other members create.

I think one of the biggest benefits for people starting out that join WA is that they get exposed to the different ways to make money. Then they can decide from there what avenue to pursue based on what method fits in with their personal situation.

As opposed to buying some overpriced make money online product only to realize that they need a monthly advertising budget, which they don' t have.
kyle Premium
Exactly. The thing is there are SO MANY ways in which someone can create a business online and we do not want to constrain people here to a singular idea. The key is to get a foundation laid out (which our 30 Day Success Club is for) and once you have this underlying knowledge, you can go in any direction that you like.

Thanks for your feedback!
Marad Premium
Kyle you nailed it as usual!, yes, it is easy to listen own doubts and go for "job seeker status" . I hate it. I hate to be stamped as unemployed. I know that it is no chance to get employment for decent wage as at first I am foreigner in the Uk and obviously there are many native people without work as well, secondly I am single mum and need to drive my son to school and back and no, I am not going to let him spent most of his days in some breakfast or after school clubs! I had the opportunity to learn here and also to learn from others. I have it right: I want to be available for my little son and I do not want to fight in some employment which would not suit me anyway. I also want to have the opportunity to earn good money.
I started to built my web and yes, I love it. But if my web will make money or not is just one question. Anything I learn here is easy to monetize as I am even now after just few weeks able to built webs for others. There will be always "others" who need to built webs ... It is not the real business - yet! but here is a chap who repairs my car and another one - great sculptor who wants to sell in world market.... and I can still carry on work on my own web...
So yes, I made the right decision. I will stay here for long as I just feel here good. That matters. Silly me I haven't find you earlier.
kyle Premium
Exactly, what you build and what you learn here can be used to help others...other people and other business that are looking to make a presence online. This is a "valued" asset and something that people will definitely pay for.