Bing is the KING...of FAKE

Last Update: May 03, 2011

What's up everyone....

I want to hear your thoughts on Bing.  They are gaining market share, but in my honest opinion, this is some real fake stuff.  Their market share is being bought, not earning through "quality" improvements, something I think is going to drive their PPC ad biz potentially into the ground. 

Check out my full article here:

Is Bing Faking It - Gaining Momentum or Buying Love


As always, would love you to drop your feedback within my SA article.

Take it easy,


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dataplextech Premium
I learned many many years ago to never underestimate Microsoft. In 1989, or thereabouts, they bought FoxPro and the XBase world thought they were crazy. FoxPros was and still is the basis of the MS-Access database engine after 22 years. Fifteen years ago they took on Novell. Who runs Novell networks today? They took on WordPerfect and made MS-Office a world standard; even Google docs can't exist without being 100% compatible with MS-Office. They developed IE which set the standards for browsers. They took on the database market and today we have MS-SQL. Ten years ago they threw tons of money at language development and came up with the .NET platform which is a programmers dream come true. The ONLY reason Apple even exists today is because Gates bailed Jobs out! In the summer of 2001, I was in Fargo, ND listening as Microsoft executives mapped out the future of technology, where the internet was going, and the future of programming. Looking back, it's almost unsettling. Did they foresee the future, or did they make the future? Twenty years ago the world laughed at Bill Gates when he said his goal was to have a computer in every American household - "why would ANYONE want a computer in their house?". I won't be selling my Microsoft stock just yet!
jatdebeaune Premium
I hardly ever go into Bing. Hardly ever go into any search engine except Google. I think the best way to compete in any venue is to offer something unique and better. That's what makes competition so good.
iw99 Premium
while there is a point that you do sometimes need to spend money to make money, spending $3 to get $1 isn't a particularly good business model. You gotta wonder how Microsoft became the 800lb gorilla of computer operating systems if that's how they do every business they wouldn't have lasted long. But everyone makes mistakes I guess, even the top earning companies.
kyle Premium
Yeah, and they are paying $3 to get every $1 through their PPC...
DABK Premium
Bing isn't faking it. It's realized Google is better and is just copying.