Creating a Pretty Infographic

Last Update: May 11, 2012

You have all likely seen infographics out there. They are descriptive full page graphics that walk you through various processes, statisical comparisons, charts, and even product comparisons.

People are visual by nature and creating an infographic can definitely lead to an awesome user experience. If you have a product or service that you would like to explain visually or perhaps you want to potray an aspect of your niche within a graphic, then you can definitely accomplish this...and do so with free tools.

The best "app" for this that I have come across is I have been using this all day and I have found it very easy to use.

My Infographic

See an infographic that I just put together in approximately 30 minutes using

After you create your infographic you can export it in many different formats including .png, .jpeg, and .pdf. These can then be used with your website, within your Pinterest accounts, or within your blog.

I have actually added this particular infographic to my Pinterest account.

I am going to be creating a training resource on how to create these and explain situations where these can truly be beneficial. Also, feel free to download the Wealthy Affiliate one from my Pinterest Pin and use it for your own WA promotions.

Get your free account here.

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Apina Premium
Googles version of the infographic
kyle Premium
Simplifying something that text could not effectively explain to the average person. I like it. :) Thanks for the contribution Dean
mission0ps Premium
I've been looking at creating an infographic myself funnily enough I just love 'em and actually do have a board just for "Infographics" ..

Certainly going to have a look at and here is a bookmark of mine to throw into the mix.
kyle Premium
Good resource...thanks for the add!
mission0ps Premium
All good no prob fam
Arc2011 Premium
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
kyle Premium
No problem!
Sielke Premium
Awesome tool Kyle, I personally work on them in Illustrator but not everyone has that luxury plus this seems a lot faster.
kyle Premium
Yeah, this is going to simplify things. They have a ton of graphics you can use within the your infographics as well (a good toolkit there). Still lacking some theme styles and the ability to add links, but I think it will come a long way very soon.

Going to prove to be valuable to many campaigns within many niches.
BIS Premium
Thanks for introducing the WA community to this Kyle. I too have just started to play with this software and am really enjoying exploring the possibilities for use. The drag and drop method to create infographics should appeal to all (even those who would normally shy away from such software. It's going to be fun to see how some of the members use it.
kyle Premium
Yeah, I agree Beverley. The drag and drop makes it very easy to use. It is going to be awesome to see what people come up with!