Do You Love WA?

Last Update: October 01, 2009

Hi Everyone,

We are always looking for testimonials for our Wealthy Affiliate homepage and we have created a system to automate the process. If any of you "love" (or like) what WA has to offer and would be kind enough to give your feedback, we would greatly appreciate it.


You can leave your testimonials at the following link:

Submit Your Testimonial Here!

You do not have to be a long-time member either.  If you are new and like what you see, leave us feedback.  

So, if anyone reading this would take a second to throw us a testimonial, we would love that!

Submit Your Testimonial Here!



PS.  Your testimonial will be added to the WA Homepagewithin the next 24 hours:

The WA Homepage (external) Testimonials!

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Recent messages
richie53 Premium
Wow it gets better & better , i arrived when the old system was up, & i was impressed with that , but now you two guys , have pulled it off again. Sooooooo pro looking & to work with . I am sticking with WA. RICHIE
harrit Premium
Hi! There has been silent from me for a while - why? Because I have tested out som of your competitors out there...And I can tell you this: I LOVE WA!!! - So you'll get my testemonial...give me a day or two :)
silky500 Premium
Hello, Guys,
I really like the set up and think you two are great for putting such a spectacular program together.Linda,
Carson Premium
Carson Premium
Carson Premium