Freakin' Internet is Dying!

Last Update: August 15, 2011

Don't believe me (I wouldn't either), read my latest blog post.

I share my thoughts on all of this talk about the "Internet Dying".  Will it happen?  How can we prepare as marketers?  Should we just run away to a remote island and live off the land?

Why Doesn't The Internet Just Die Already

Enjoy and as always, drop feedback within the blog post or here if you have anything you would like to add!




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kyle Premium
Grass skirts...hmmm...I don't know if I could pull it off. Actually, I need one other thing on my "remote" island. The INTERNET.
Labman_1 Premium
Beer and BBQ, hmmm, sounds like Jamaica Mon. Thanks for the insights Kyle. I'd like to figure out how to tap into the mobile market without the clients feeling like they are getting spammed. Tablets rock.
jatdebeaune Premium
Change is happening in everything. Exciting time to be alive. Remote island, huh? Coconuts and pineapple and grass skirts. I like that.
kyle Premium
Just trying to find an island that serves beer and has a BBQ? Thanks for your feedback buddy.
magistudio Premium
"Should we just run away to a remote island and live off the land?" ==> Aren't we already donig that Kyle? LOL Awesome blog post.. If I were a smart marketer, I would comment on that blog post.. ;)