Get Paid to Train (Progress Bars Working)

Last Update: April 20, 2012

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update.

For those of you that were wondering how your training was performing and we not seeing the progress bars moving within your "My Resources" (resource management) page, you can now watch your progress through the different stages of the credit system.

When you create training  you will get paid based on the success of the tutorail.  As it gets rankings, as people comment, engage, Like it, view it, and use it, the progress will indicate movement towards the credit payment level.

The progress levels look like this:

Credit Level 1 = 5 Credits ($5)
Credit Level 2 = 10 Credits ($10)

Credit Level 3...etc.

And the credit levels do not end.  A tutorial or video that you create now, could earn you consistent revenue throughout the year and for years to come here at Wealthy Affiliate.

Not only that, training will build your following here and lead you much closer to Ambassador status here at Wealthy Affiliate, which will include an all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas later this year to discuss some really awesome opportunities in 2013! 

Anyways, you can now go to your My Resources page to find out where your training is at in terms of progress towards the next training level. 

If you have any questions, let me know.

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TrevorSH Premium
Thank you Carson, I really appreciate it. i look forward to being able to watch my modules advance, step by step.
TrevorSH Premium
Actually... My Progress bar is not working. It worked for the first day and instantly jumped to level two, but it hasn't moved since... Anything we can do about that? I have two training modules that are both doing well (the stats and data tags are working) but the bars don't. also they unlocked credits that aren't showing up. Should I be concerned?
Carson Premium
Carson Premium
GET PAID TO TRAIN is an awesome concept. I must admit. Let's see how much I could explore it.