Google Docs Secret Agenda?

Last Update: April 18, 2012

This may seem far fetched and perhaps far too abstract for some, but personally I believe the Google Docs was an initiative to improve their search technology.

Google Docs for SEO? You are crazy Kyle!

Let me explain..

Google wants quality content. If their search is not delivering the highest quality, most relevant content to users, then people are going to use another search engine. It has always been their focus.

However, the metrics that were once Google's SEO staples are no longer. Backlinks, meta tags, keyword density, content length, and unique content can all be gamed. In fact, they have all been gamed to the point of Google's search results becoming less relevant, crap content.

Introducing Google Panda.

Google came down hard on all of this stuff. You may have heard the term "over SEO'ing" floating around these days, focusing on the process versus the reader is essentially the form of doing too much SEO Google is looking for.

Getting too many backlinks. Having content that is too dense with keywords. These are no longer effective techniques to getting rankings, why would they be. The don't have anything to do with the actual quality content.

But how do you understand quality content?

The only way to truly accomplish this is to understand human language. Google has a treasure trove of quality content within their Google Docs platform. I have noticed recently that they have gotten much better at pointing out grammar issues within content...

Why wouldn't they apply what they are learning about language within Google Docs to their search algorithms?

They would and I think they are.

I think we are going to reach a day where SEO becomes a lot more to do with the actual writing component, the human language and I do think we will reach a point where Google will remove content that has spelling issues or grammar issues.

To remain the content indexing king, Google needs to understand content. Google Docs is allowing them to do this.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this!

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rocktivity Premium
Sounds to me like it's Google that's doing the gaming -- this endless quest of theirs for "quality" and "value" is beginning to take on the odor of a conflict of interest. It seems to be that their definition of quality has more to do with giving their big-bucks advertisers the advantage over us "little people" affiliates -- which I believe is the reason why they slapped you in the API in the first place. P.S. Also, I've wonder if they've considered PAYING us to get the quality they want! ;-)
Apina Premium
Why not? They will also be doing it with Gmail. Lets face it they have the data and they have the skills, why not use it to train their algorythims. Only issue is how they actually use the info, is it being read by actual employees?
kyle Premium
I think they do have REAL people understanding the language and using their knowledge to refine it. First they need to master the algo for understanding content via Google docs...then it is a pretty easy roll out into their search.
morlandroger Premium
So are you saying that we should use Google docs all the time in order to conform with their idea of correct grammar and spelling? Not that I am saying that they are wrong (far from it) but it seems a bit unfair that a creative talent might be downgraded because he/she cannot spell. (what is fair though in Google's view)
kyle Premium
I am making a lot of assumptions here. Does a reader want content that is hard to read (because of grammar and spelling issues)? I don't think so...I know I would rather read content that is correct.
WayneBPK Premium
So if I'm understanding this, they can push something away because there/their was used wrong?
kyle Premium
I think a lot more would go into making a decision, but if the content is not readable grammatically then it may be granted lower rankings. Obviously there would be some flexibility there, but this would easily take out the entire spinning market.
fisheagle Premium
Think that you may have a point, if Google wants to supply the best content in their search results then they need to provide content that people read and can use. And making use of the content which they have in Google Docs would be a good place to start analyzing how people write content.;)
kyle Premium
Yeah, in order to serve quality content they need to understand what quality content is. A backlink does not determine this nor should it. Social sharing may be a better gauge, but this still can be gamed. There needs to be a fine line mix between understanding language and understand other metrics that "could" determine quality.