Google Docs Update: Research While Writing!

Last Update: May 15, 2012

Are you using Google Docs to write your website content and articles?  If not, you may want to consider at the very least building your initial "framework" for your pages, posts, and articles within Google Docs.

Just today within my Google Docs account I noticed that there is now a research tab where you can perform a live Google search, search for images, and search for "quotes" well within your Google docs panel.  I have used this with a recent article and it does improve writing efficiency as you don't need to have multiple screens open to accomplish this task any more.

Here is a screen capture of some of the things you can search:

You will notice that you can even search images based on "usage rights" meaning that you can find images that are royalty free and you can use on your website, articles, blogs, etc. 

I just thought I would bring this to your attention as it is another wonderful addition to Google Docs, which is my preferred writing interface. 
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CSmith1 Premium
I've only just started to use Google Docs a few weeks ago, plus now with G Drive and G Plus it makes sense for me to use G Docs more.
I'm actually trying to finish my new ebook after having problems with OpenOffice.
The research feature will defiantly come in handy, just wish I could also browser other sites in that little section and not new tab.
kyle Premium
Yeah true... It still takes you away if you want to visit the actual result. A step in the right direction though.
Incognito Premium
Nice find Kyle. G docs has also added 450 new fonts. Article discussing this is here -
kyle Premium
Cool than for the additional add!
Boss_Jacob Premium
Such a time saver I cant begin to tell you how many open windows and tabs of research material I have on while working on my articles on word press Thanks Kyle
kyle Premium
I hear ya! I am fortunate enough to have 3 monitors, but when I am on a laptop this can become a writing nightmare. This will lead to far more efficiency when writing and researching while you are putting your work together.
Sielke Premium
This is great stuff, and it's pretty useful. You can highlight words say your keyword and instantly search for images related to your keyword. Of course theres tons of uses for this.
kyle Premium
Yeah, absolutely and you can incorporate ideas from other stories and even utilize the "quote" feature.
jchilders Premium
Very cool. I've been using Google Docs to store my KW list so I could crank out a new post either at home or on a break at work. I don't normally write in GD though so maybe that's why I've missed it.. *scampers off to have a look*
kyle Premium
Yeah, it is a great feature. I have just noticed this as of today...pretty awesome!