Google's Black Hell Hole....

Last Update: May 19, 2011

I would like to invite you all to enter Google's hot, hellish, black hole.  Read my latest Street Article on the state of Google, why the make the algorithm changes they do, and where I think they are headed.

The Google Black Hole - It's Hell and Everyone is Welcome

 Please leave any feedback...and if you like, share it! :)

 Peace out, 



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saytue_sayewhat Premium
I promise you, I love your style of writing, I be testing people's writing as far as "if I click on their link,and so forth. And you definitely are POPPIN! Doesn't take a whole lotta words to get me ready to "Know More"
Jamie Smith Premium
Like brother Jay says, we are in the people business. I always give thanks for my blessings, both big and small. It makes me feel good inside knowing that I spend each day working hard to be a blessing to people around the world.
kyle Premium
Exactly, quality content and personality within your authoring builds "trust". Trust will lead to conversions...something that we have been emphasizing all along, mostly in the form of email marketing, but now it has scaled horizontally. Social is also becoming the ticket to higher rankings and we are going to see this as the quickest evolution within the search engine marketing realm this year...mark my word.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Kyle, I made a comment on your article. Feels like a whole new game out there, or not a game. Just be a supplier of information and or humor and all will be fine? Still good to comment on blogs, forums, articles with a link. Why do I have this nagging feeling not to trust Google? Well, putting out good solid content will bring you a following, so how bad is that?
iw99 Premium
Awesome article Kyle. it kind of ties into the customer is right kind of philosophy