Got an Email List? Get Ready to Cash In!

Last Update: April 24, 2012

Hey Everyone!

We are less than 7 days away from our launch of WA Free for 10, the ultimate test drive of Wealthy Affiliate where anyone will be able to try WA before they buy.  This is the best opportunity that has ever been introduced to the Internet Business niche....if you know of someone that wants to create a business online or expand their business, you are in line to see a bunch of referrals!

If you have an email list, you potential is going to be MASSIVE for the launch. 

Today I wanted to touch base with you about the best approach for promoting the upcoming “Free for 10 Days” Test Drive to Wealthy Affiliate within your list.  I also wanted to clear up some confusion as to how the roll out will take place and what the “invite” system really means to you as an affiliate.

How is the Free for 10 Roll out Going to Work?

WEEK 1: Wide open, people can sign-up to WA for 10 days whether or not they come through an affiliate link (invite)

WEEK 2: and on: Invite only.  This simply means that in order to join the Free for 10 Test Drive offer someone is going to have to get an invite from an affiliate (which is simply just your affiliate link).  If someone comes to through your affiliate link, they will be able to join for the free test drive right away. 

If they don’t come through an affiliate, then they will have to Request an Invite.  As an affiliate this is good news as it will essentially give you the KEY to invite people to WA...simply send people to WA through your affiliate link and you will be able to get them in.  ;)

Basically, nothing changes for you as an affiliate other than you can use the Invite to your advantage after your first week of promotions.   Getting to that, what should your first week promotions look like...

An Example Email Sequence Outline for Week 1

You obviously have a much better grasp of your list than me and they know how you write, so I am not going to write the email sequence for you, rather I will give you some ideas on to how you can maximize your list for the launch promotion.

The first week you are going to want to take advantage of the time sensitivity of the INVITE ONLY.   During the first week it is wide open and you need to let people know 

I recommend a minimum of 5 emails for the first week launch:

Email 1: Let them know something is coming next week at Wealthy Affiliate(SEND April 24th or 25th)
Email 2: Let them know about The Open Education Project and specifically how you benefit from it.   Again, remind them that they are going to be able to get sneak peak access early next week (SEND April 26th)
Email 3: Remind them of the something is coming tomorrow, (SEND April 30th)
Email 4: Invite them to Wealthy Affiliate, The Open Education Project (SEND May 1st 2pm EST)
Email 5: Tell them about training they can get at WA (new training, training within different categories)..  You could send them the latest training (a list of the training), latest blog posts you have enjoyed, latest discussions you have had.  Tell them about a recent website you created.  Invite them to connect with you (via your profile name) when they join. A recent success story.  Refer them to join for FREE for 10 days. (SEND May 2nd)
Email 6: Send them to a blog post that you make, tell them to sign-up for free (SEND May 4th)
Email 7: Ask them why they haven’t signed up if they haven’t already (provide your email address) (SEND May 5th)
Email 8: Tell them that WA is going to invite only in less than 24 hours (SEND May 7th)
Email 9: Last reminder on FREE for 10 Offer.  (SEND early My 8th)

After the first week (when it becomes invite only), the best approach is to take the training approach on a regular basis.  Simple tell people about new training or popular training modules within Wealthy Affiliate.  Keep them up to date with new content and then send them your special invite link (your affiliate link) to register for the Free 10 Day test drive.

Stuff that people will truly like and benefit from is specific training...

Find out about the latest Google Panda updates here...
Find out how to create a local domain business from scratch...
Find out how to find keywords with low competition and high traffic...

You can take full advantage of any content created within The Open Education Project, even if you didn’’t create it and I suggest you do this on a regular, ongoing basis.  Tell your list about training modules and tell them to join for free access to these (through your “invite” link).

This is powerful and will lead to regular referrals and will maximize your lists potential with this roll out.  If you have a regular influx of people to your list, you should continue sending them emails on a regular basis as you can likely convert them to referrals at a very high rate (the profit potential is unbelievable).

I have given you a high level approach here.  I don’t like giving away swipe content because you communicate with your list and the email should come from your voice, not mine.  If you want some example emails, you can see the emails we are sending out by joining the WA news email list. (OPT-IN is IN THE SIDE BAR)

Do let me know if you have any questions about any of this or need any suggestions.  Hope this helps! :)




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mcman187 Premium
So should I start a website promoting wealthy affiliate and try to get people to sign up for a newsletter? That could take a while to get my site noticed and all I'm just wondering the best way to go about doing this. I have never built an email list before and this seems like it would be a good way.
kyle Premium
I wouldn't create a website promoting Wealthy Affiliate, I would create a website helping someone in a particular niche that is related to Wealthy Affiliate and then work on funnelling your traffic towards Wealthy Affiliate. This is the approach you want to take.
mcman187 Premium
hey Kyle, can you do this through getting free leads from places like and I just got some leads from there, could I start my list that way and also could I somehow incorporate this into my site somehow.

I also just signed up for an account at AWeber and it says my email should come from my domain. Is it OK to have a Gmail account cause I made a separate Gmail account just for this.
kyle Premium
I don't trust services like this, however I am never against testing. These people don't know you and I am not sure you are allowed to even contact them...and you do not have a relationship with them.

Regardless the nature of any lead, you need to remember there is another person on the other side. Do you like getting 1-800 calls soliciting products? Either do most people and that is what happens when you contact people without them asking you to.
jpnetco Premium
Thanks Kyle, this does help a lot. I don't have my own list yet, so I am considering doing a solo email ad in an ezine related to IM audience. What do you think?
kyle Premium
Yeah, this could definitely work to get "eyes" on the offer. The only problem with solo ads is that you have no relationship with the people you are sending the emails do as you would if you had created your own list.

Definitely worth a try and depending on how much it is, you don't need a ton of FREE referrals in order to make it worthwhile. If you do decide to do it, let us know how it works out for you :)