How to Get a 20%+ Conversion Rate With the Free 4 10 Offer...

Last Update: May 03, 2012

Are you promoting WA correctly?

Many people are going about their WA promotions completely the wrong way...wondering why they are not converting like crazy with an offer. I mean, people would be crazy not to take advantage of the Free 10 Day Test Drive here at WA right?

Actually, many people won't take us up on this offer, in fact 80-90%, sometimes even higher will not. But this can be improve by some very subtle things you do within your marketing efforts and these are things that not that many people are doing.

Let me put things into perspective with a real life example....

We are regularly approach by people on the streets that have a pamphlet offering for us. What is your typical reaction when you get approach by someone trying to give you a pamphlet for something?

I know what my reaction is typically. "No thanks."

And if I do decide to grab one (sometimes it is hard to say no), the piece of paper usually ends up in the garbage can without giving it much attention.

This is unfortunate, but is the reality.

The same thing is happening for some people with their WA Free for 10 promotions. The assumption that people are going to stop or adhere to your advice of "go here and do this" is pretty naive. Even if it is your family or your friends, people do not like to be told what to particular when they don't have an idea of what they are doing.

This is WHERE you come in. This is WHERE you can increase conversions.

Convert through engagement and interest!

How do you get a 5% conversion rate (to try the test drive)?

Do nothing. Send people here.

Say the average person joining Wealthy Affiliate "on the spot" is 5% without ever hearing about it before. This is a pretty accurate assumption. If you TELL people to go check out a site or tell people to go see this amazing opportunity, this is the sort of conversion rates that you can expect. Around 5%. Not the greatest, but still higher than most affiliate programs you will ever see.

But remember, you cannot assume people know what we are or have ever heard about what is inside of WA...and even if they have, we have changed so drastically with The Open Education Project roll out that you should not make any assumptions.

But how do you go about getting a 10% conversion rate?

You have to warm people up to the idea of Wealthy Affiliate first. You have to tell people what the brand is. You have to show them how you use it. How it works. How it can impact their lives.

This is the equivalent of being given the opportunity to tell engage people in a conversation about what your pamphlet is about. You are personally describing what it is, which will increase the chances of the person taking action. Engage someone in a dialogue and tell them what WA is about.

But how do you go about getting a 15% conversion rate?

If people are given a decisive reason to join, reasons in which they can apply to their real life and that are relevant to them, then their interest is going to go up drastically.

Imagine having an issue with a broken window on your car and someone approaching you about how to fix your broken window without having to replace it...and to do so in a cost efficient way. You would be interested right. You may not make the decision to take them up on their offer, but a higher percentage would then if you tried to connect with a general audience.

So, you need to position your offer in a way that aligns with the people you are talking to and their interests. Give them a reason to join Wealthy Affiliate...put together a list of different ideas

Give them some "situations" in which they are going to be benefited from WA and give some real life examples.

  • Are you tired of finding keywords for your niche? Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate (free to try) and I will show you exactly how to find keyword within your niche.
  • Do you really hate your job? I do too and that is why I am working towards learning brand new skills that are going to help me become more of an asset to the workplace. Join the community that I am doing this within here...
  • Google slap you again? Google Panda and Penguin are here to stay and there are definite ways in which you can still conquer SEO within Google. Join the same place that I am a member of where we have discussions every day about Google and SEO!

But how do you go about getting a 20%+ conversion rate?

This is a collection of everything. Letting people know about WA. Giving them a decisive reason to join. AND, telling them "how" you have done something within WA. This could be a number of different things, but people are inclined to do what you are doing if they find what you are doing to be very interesting.

Some examples of this would be:

  • I found these 5 keywords which are going to be easy to rank for in Google. You should go here to get access to the same tool I am using...
  • I just learned of the latest Google Panda update. I have been actively discussing it with a bunch of other people here...
  • Did you know that you can promote Pinterest images through your affiliate links? I just read an awesome training resource on it and you can access it here..
  • I am taking part in some Live Training this Friday outlining should join me, it is free to take part in. ..
  • Check out my new website that I built...Want to build your own website, go here to start creating your site, it will only take 3 or 4 minutes...

Your ultimate goal is to offer (a) something that people have brand awareness of (b) is something that they are interested in (c) point them to something specific (training, video, tool). This is the ultimate way to achieve the highest possible conversions.

I have no doubts that some of you will be able to achieve conversions much higher than 20%, but this is the path you should follow to get your conversions much higher.

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TJ Books Premium
You mentioned sending to a particular article or feature. I still don't know how to do that. Can we just add/?MEMBERNUMBER to the link or such? This is a good article and as you know, a problem with me. I sending people but they are not signing in. I hope the facebook requirement drop will solve part of my problem and your advice the other. You know, I think you had me in mind when you wrote this. Do you know the NO FaceBook date yet? I want to be all loaded up. John
Thanks for the great ideas. i have to learn time management to get somewhere.....
kyle Premium
Yeah, time management is huge and something I think we all wish we were better at. I think they key is to spend less time doing things that don't benefit you and spend more time doing things that do. That is a very simplistic view, but is the core of most time problems.
Alam Premium
thanks for sharing this wonderful knowledge, i never know that there are plenty of promoting open my mind..
Trek-shooter Premium
Thanks for the information Kyle will take on board for my future promotions for WA ;)
kyle Premium
Cool, glad I could help you out. Sometimes it just takes a unique look from the outside at what you are doing to give you the best path to promotion. It is less about telling people things and more about showing them.
Labman_1 Premium
hehe, I just WROTE an awesome training resource. Thanks Kyle, food for thought. Now if I can just hit those points for all my lazy friends on the dole to get them off their backsides. Or those that just experienced a job loss or ... well the list is long and the scenarios are deep and convoluted.
kyle Premium
Yeah, it is just a matter of hitting one of the many relevant hot buttons. Far more powerful than saying "go here and try this"...although it is Free to try, people still want to know the benefit of it and what they are getting into.

And make sure you leverage your awesome training resource!!!