I always fail...but what about succeed?!

Last Update: August 01, 2011

I failed.

Then I failed again.

And then again and again and again...

BUT, hidden within each and every failure there were learning experience that eventually led to my success.   Carson and I failed many times, but we have learned a lot of the years as business partners.

Last week I talked about some of the major reasons I have failed over the years and ones that you can look out for when you are starting your online business or continuing to build your existing business.

Along the way there was some very clear reasons as to why I have succeeded.  They may not be as clear to you or you may not even be aware of them, so that is why I am going to share them with you.

Reason for Success #1:  Not Afraid to Take Chances.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes.  It is unlikely that you can make a monumental mistake within the online world.   If I hadn't taken chances with niches  over the years, taken a chance with many PPC campaigns, taken a chance to try new marketing methods, taken a chance to start a business with Carson...I would not be where I am today.  

RISK is a word used to scare people, but good risk is when the rewards far outweigh what could happen.  Building a website in a certain niche is a risk, but what is the worst that can happen.  It may not convert?  Big deal.  Who cares...it is a $10 investment and a good one at that regardless of the outcome! A dumb risk is throwing all your money on the roulette table, but that is not what we teach here.  There is very little risk on trying new things on the Internet!

Reason for Success #2: Self confidence.

I WILL ONE DAY SUCCEED.  That is what I always told myself. 

I AM GOING TO EARN MONEY ONLINE.  People laughed and ridiculed.   Sure buddy.

I AM GOING TO ONE DAY BECOME SUCCESSFUL AND HELP MY FAMILY OUT.  I knew in my heart if I worked hard enough I would have the opportunity and I have been able to follow through with this in many ways.

Self confidence is huge.  I am not a believer of "The Secret", but I am a believer that if you believe full heartedly in yourself (and not just fake it), massive things are possible. In fact, by believing you can achieve whatever you want in life willput you ahead of the 80% of non-believers out there.

People told me I couldn't and I didn't listen.  If I did, maybe things would have turned out much differently.  Maybe I would be unhappy, working a job that I didn't like, maybe I would be stocking shelves at Walmart...who knows?

Have confidence in yourself or nobody else will!

Reason for Success #3: Don't buy cars, build your business.

Many people get their first taste of consistent success and buy material stuff with it. The problem is that they are still working on a shoestring budget and they could have been using this income to further their business through campaign expansion or outsourcing.

One thing that I did from the get go (when I worked by myself) and that Carson and I do is reinvest into your own business.  From the days when I started with  $5/day advertising budget reinvesting into bigger campaigns that reached several $1,000's per day, to reinvesting in outsourcing, new websites, new servers, content development, employees, support, new services...etc, reinvesting in YOU will produce more income.

One of the best ROI's you will ever get on your money is investing it in your business.  The stock market has far too much risk and if you are good you will get 10-15% per year.  If you invest in your own business, you can get much higher than that, in particular when starting out!

Buy a new car when it is a meaningless investment, not when it sucks your account dry.  Until then, reinvest in you!


I hope this helps you out.  These were the three main things (there were obviously some others as well over the years), but I think if you can focus on some of these traits and processes that I followed, it will lead to a much more fruitful business experience! :)



PS.  If you would like to share anything that has led to your successes over the years, I would love to hear about them!

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kyle Premium
@Jamie - People will not laugh when they see your success. It turns into "how did you do that"...or "what do you do". These are typically people that like the idea of opportunity but are not willing to work for it.
ghmaster Premium
Hey Kyle, excellent post...
I like to relate my experience with internet marketing to learning to play the guitar. There have been so many times I have "failed" at playing a song (ie missed the note/beat/etc), but everytime I treat it as feedback, not failure, and after some time I can play the whole song, and it is very rewarding :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Excellent blog Kyle, great minds think alike once again. I've had lots of people laugh at me for doing IM full time. I've made plenty of mistakes along the way to my success worldwide, I too learned from each one. Constantly taking action and moving forward, just like writing a bike as brother Jay told me. Yes, re-investment back into my business is very important. Family comes 1st in my book, I do everything to be a blessing to my family.
kyle Premium
I guess it is another question as to how we all get in our "zone". For many people it is different, as for me it can happen in many different ways. Taking breaks can lead to it. Coffee can lead to it. Exercise can lead to it. But most importantly, you have to be interested in what you are doing!
jatdebeaune Premium
Another advantage of failing a lot is it makes you tough, but a good kind of tough. The more you fail, the less afraid you are of failing. Therefore the "free-er" you are. So failing is a blessing. I know this blog is about success. My biggest successes have come on the wings of inspired action. By that I mean as a result of that feeling you get when you are in the zone. What you produce in the zone packs a wallop. This is definitely true of artists, but true of everyone because everyone is an artist at what they do. My successes have come from simply being myself, and not trying too hard. Should be effortless. Also, success happens when you listen to your inner voice and block out all the fear mongers who tell you it can't be done. If you have an urge to do something, you should do it. Don't think about competition either. Just stay focused on how much fun you are having. Don't worry about outcomes because it's too distracting.