I am donating, will you be?

Last Update: January 22, 2010

Hey everyone,

I know haven't gotten to this post as quick as I could have, but that doesn't mean that this is not still very important.

Myself living in an Earthquake zone, this latest earthquake in Haiti really hit home.  I cannot imagine the devastation that has taken place in Haiti for families that have worked so hard to build up what they have (and in many cases, little stuff means a great deal).

I feel very fortunate to have what I do and never take anything for granted.  Success is not just about money, it is about having healthy relationships, living a healthy lifestyle, and having a positive impact on other people's lives.

Now is all of our opportunities to have a positive impact on the people from Haiti. They deserve our selfless help and support and to be frank with you, they won't make it through a time like this without the support of the world.

My proposal to you today is to donate to the Red Cross.  You do not have to donate $100 to make a difference.  A few bucks can make a difference...and if everyone does take part in this cause, I think we here at WA can truly make a dent in this world travesty.

Thanks again for your suppport,


PS. I have and will continue to be donating to this cause.

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LittleRhody Premium
I've collected 130 in Gold and matching it with my funds. Also already donated $125 last week. There is enough gold hanging out on WAU that we can all make a difference.
magistudio Premium
It hit home for me too Kyle, for me it was seeing little kids without parents running around the streets with nobody to help them. I donated $100 last night when the Hope for Haiti Now show was on. If you want to contribute, you can go to: https://www.hopeforhaitinow.org/
Devan Premium
That's a great post. You are so right. Success is all about those other things as well and every little bit will help the people of Haiti. We have so much to be grateful for here in N.A. Great leadership Kyle! Cheers.
music_mom30 Premium
I have donated also, I wish I had WAY more to give, but I know every little bit helps, thank you for your post and for all that you do :)
kpfingaz Premium
Its very important that we lend Haiti a hand in these difficult times. I donated something last week for haiti through SaveTheChildren.org.

I encourage everyone to donate also even if its just $1.