If you don't have Jaaxy yet...

Last Update: July 22, 2012

Today marks the launch date our exclusive, ONE WEEK ONLY, Summer Keyword Extravaganza bonus.

For this week and only this week (July 23rd - July 27th) you will be able to get your hands on an amazing set of bonuses when you become a premium member of Jaaxy, the world's most powerful keyword & research tool.

Before I get into the bonus details, I want to be clear about the costs of Jaaxy.

To become a PREMIUM member of Jaaxy is ONLY $19 per month and this includes FULL, UNLIMITED access to keyword searches and research using the tool.

There are no upsells and no sneaky marketing tactics. $19 per month, that is it. You will not find more value in a keyword platform anywhere!

Now for the awesome bonus package! Here is what is included if you become a member of Jaaxy in the next 5 days....

Bonus #1: Live Video Training Session #1: The Low Hanging Fruit

Low hanging fruit keywords are also known as "easy to rank" keywords. In this live training session, Jay (Keyword Specialist) is going to walk you through the process of finding these search terms along with other Google Panda and Penguin proof keyword research and marketing strategies!

  • Finding the low hanging keywords that lead to INSTANT rankings
  • Where to set the competition bar when doing research
  • Building POWERFUL lists of money making keywords
  • Getting Your Content RANKED, Guaranteed!
  • A Google Panda/Penguin Proof Method of Getting 1st Page Google Rankings
You will also get access to unlimited replays of this live training recording!

Bonus #2: Live Training Video Session #2: Buying up Google Ready Domains

Want to create a business from buying and sell domains? This live training will fill in all the blanks.

The domain industry is a billion dollar one and anyone can buy web real estate (domains) and resell it for a healthy profit using Jaaxy. Jaaxy is an unbelievable tool for probing fresh, available domains that have instant value.

  • How to determine if a domain is going to be "worthy"
  • Why keyword-rich domains are so valuable (Google rankings)
  • How to rank a keyword rich domain with next to no work (show example)
  • Buying lucrative domains from Jaaxy
  • Going from being a domain owner to a domaineer
  • Tapping into this billion dollar industry, the easy way
You will also get access to unlimited replays of this training!

Bonus #3: Keyword Riches, 2012/2013 Edition (Never Released to the Public) )

Never before released content, the Keyword Riches is going to walk you through all of the "unanswered" questions about how to create a business out of keywords. From the niche revelation process to taking over the search engines, this guide will serve as your map to keyword success. We are only going to be releasing a maximum of 500 copies of this guide so jump on this bonus if you are interested.

  • How to come up with "trending" niches out of thin air
  • Using Google Instant (alphabet soup technique)
  • Defining and Capitalizing on Low Hanging Fruit
  • Getting Instant Rankings (via content)
  • Eating up 1/3rd of Google's traffic (sourcing content to different sites)

Sign-up to Jaaxy today!

Even if you just stay the 1st month, you can keep all of these bonuses. I can almost you will assure that you will love Jaaxy so much that you will be willing to give up a couple of lattes per month to retain access to this amazing keyword research system.

But HURRY...

This offer is only available for the next 5 days, so if you want access to the best keyword tool out there along with these awesome bonuses, join today.

Offer expires on July 27th at MIDNIGHT! Take action today!

Sign-up to Jaaxy here!

If you have any questions about Jaaxy, post them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Again, you have 5 days to get all these crazy awesome bonuses when you join Jaaxy. Join here!.

PS. The WA Keyword tool will work fine for you and if you do not have the budget to invest into Jaaxy, then I suggest you hold tight. :) If you are interested in a more "enterprise"keyword research tool at a value price, then I suggest you check out Jaaxy (even if it is for a month so you can get these bonuses).
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Kyle, I purchased Jaxxy and I love it! It is so easy to find great keywords. I read something about the ABC method - what is that?
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If I am a member of WA, do i need Jaaxy as well? The WA site indicates a keyword search feature... you comments are welcomed!

Thank you,

kyle Premium
Brad, by no means have to have it as the keyword tool here at WA utilizes much of the same data. If you want more of an enterprise keyword research "suite", Jaaxy will be your tool, but don't feel like you have to purchase anything in addition to Jaaxy.