Most people don't have 2000 BUCKS!

Last Update: June 20, 2011

Hey hey,

I just dropped a post on Street Articles outlining the state of the economy.  It has been shown that most Americans (over 50% and this likely applies to the whole world), would not be able to come up with $2,000 cash without having to sell something.


Lots of us here may be in this boat so I decide to elaborate on this topics within my latest article:

Your thoughts and feedback into the issue would be greatly appreciated.  I know we are all at different financial levels and I can appreciate that.  I also like to get insight into people's situations as it helps me better understand where we are at as a whole.

Thanks for reading and I am looking forward to your feedback.


PS.  Jay (from WA) nicely got me this money tissue.  LOL.  It is probably the most embarrassing way to blow your nose, but I thought this pic would be appropriate for this article.



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Miro Premium
Great article Kyle! Yes, thanks to the world of internet marketing many people can now achieve success if they are only willing to work hard towards it.! You and Carson are the perfect examples. I remember a few years ago while I was just doing some random research and run into WA website, and of course did some more research about WA. But even without researching WA too much I already liked the way you and Carson present WA and did not have many doubts about legitimacy of this website/business. Then after reading more testimonials from other successfull WA members, of course I got motivated to join and learn new things about IM. In nowadays rapidly changing world and economical circumstances IM is definately a great way to do business and secure a promising career for oneself. It's not different than any other type of work out there and the philosophy is simple: "Work hard, pay attention, and see positive results." Except, that this is even better as any hard working individual can now enjoy convenience of working from his own home and at his own pace. I am very grateful to have found WA and to be involved with group of people like these at WA where I can continuously learn and earn from what I have learned.!! Industrial age has changed significantly and now that we live in INFORMATION AGE, IM is definately a new revolution, although already started one but still has lots of potential and bright future for all those who are willing to take part in its course and work hard in order to achieve success. The world has always been changing and this is the time and age that we live in. I am glad to have this opportunity to work and learn is such environment, knowing that by doing so I can secure a promising future for myself and also help others with my contributions here at WA. I would like to say at the end God bless you and Carson for creating such a great and resourceful system.! Keep up the great work and may we all see much more success here at WA and IM!!! Cheers! Miro
kyle Premium
Also, if you guys and gals could make a post on the actual article within StreetArticles that would be mucho appreciated. Trying to get a convo lit there. :)
kyle Premium
@ Jamie, that is where hard work and the willingness to take action on a plan. I have seen the hard work you have invested in yourself and your music. You definitely deserve every bit of success you achieve.

@Jatdebeaune, Yes, it is a different world altogether when you are working for yourself. Unless things are "too good", it is hard to become complacent as there is always that inner fear of failure. I don't believe that a union job would instill this same sort of fear, rather the only fear would be potentially losing the job and saying "what the heck do I do now". Everyone has skills and knowledge and it can be leverage on the net.
jatdebeaune Premium
Touchy subject everywhere, but in the US, it's an angry subject. I won't get political either. As for me, I've had a lifetime of extremes. Pretty much always been self employed and independent. When you have to rely on your wits, you get practice being resourceful where money is concerned. I started my design business on a Visa card and a tremendous amount of hard work, and good practice getting my butt kicked. I guess that's why I'm not too rattled with IM. Anyway, it's a bright spot in the economic world right now, offering opportunity when other opportunities seem to have evaporated. I found your article very interesting. Canada and the US travel together.
Jamie Smith Premium
I am thankful to be able to grab 2stacks from the bank when needed. Being self employed in the US, I pay a ton of $$ on health care for my family.