
Last Update: April 19, 2012

It has been a bit of a crazy day over here in WALand one for me that was filled with a day that was as about as diverse as they come.

I got a ping (Google Talk message) from someone today and I took 10 minutes to get back to them (which is rare in my world if I am around) and I had to say this...

Sorry, I am multi-multi-tasking right now!

But what did this mean.

Well, I did a quick count on my screen and I had 23 tabs (see my set-up below) opened in my browser across three different screens. 13 of these were open documents that I am working on, some were bug related, some were social entities, several email accounts, image editing, online radio...the list went on.

Since when did life become so "unfocused" yet so productive at the same time. Where did I fall of the track of being able to do one thing at a time without trying to tackle the world all at once.

I think it is a byproduct of where we are heading with Wealthy Affiliate to be honest with you. We are very focused towards an unbelievable platform and service and sometimes it can capture our entire interest, in a diversified manner...where we don't want to miss a single heartbeat or idea that comes into the internal idea engine.

BUT...I have to be completely honest.

There is no such thing as multi-tasking on a computer. You can only actual be working (in focus) at one thing at a time. You can shift focus as frequent as you like, but to finish a singular task, you need to dedicate focus on that exact task, not many.

Me personally, I work well under multi-task pressure, but sometimes it can get overwhelming as it did today. After I realized the mess that was across my computer screens, I decided to close them all and work on ONE thing for the next hour.

Guess how productive I was? VERY!

I just want this to be a reminder to myself as well as others, if you are feeling like you are being stretched thin and that your time and resources are being maximized causing internal pressure (to the point of combustion), then stop what you are doing and focus on ONE THING. Focus on the most imminent task...the thing that needs to get done now.

Productivity will go up and it will give your neurons a rest!  

PS.  Exciting times ahead for everyone here at WA.  I can assure you of that! :)

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jatdebeaune Premium
That is a big problem for people who are handling so much.

Working online is of its nature, multitasking in that one has so many emails, comments and responses to provide, technical issues to address, material to be written, programs to design, and it goes on and on. The only way to do anything well or to get anything done, is to do one thing at a time. I agree.

Can you just imagine how hard it is for people with ADD? And if you're compulsive, it's really hard.
BIS Premium
Hi Jean - There are multiple tasks to undertake when you work online, but that doesn't mean you have to multi-task. Trying to do two or more jobs simultaneously rarely works - so however much we have to do it's more efficient to work on a single task for a specific period of time.

Interesting what you say about ADD and OCD, Having worked with people who have had both conditions over many years - I have a view but probably not the place to get into a discussion about it,
kyle Premium
I think you can accomplish several things together, but not at once. I work very well in fragments, when I get tired of my ideas doing one thing I move on. Perhaps I may have a mild case of ADD...
smokeywins Premium
You pretty much hit the nail on the head, the only difference for me was that not all my multi-tasking tasks took place only on the computer. For months I was trying to do way too many things at once, resulting in very few things actually getting accomplished.

While it was a bit difficult to have to put my sites on the backburner, and concentrate on other tasks, I have since may loads of progress which I otherwise wouldn't have done if I kept tying to function at the original status quo.

We are only human and we can truly only handle so many things at once and the hardest part is admitting to ourselves that a chnage needs to be made.

Great post btw :-)
kyle Premium
More nominal tasks can effectively be multi-tasks, business units cannot. Distracting yourself from your "core" through diversification can lead to inferior success across the board, and in many cases a whole lot of mediocrity.

Glad you caught this before it was too late, often times people continue to struggle without address the real root of the problem. Large project multi-tasking is much more difficult to handle!
BIS Premium
I recognise this scenario only too well. However, I would absolutely endorse what you say because actually multi-tasking isn't an efficient way of working. I would also add that the way our brains are wired as clever they are not geared towards multi-tasking. The second, third or fourth task just won't be completed well. Much better to work 'smart', concentrate one thing at a time and actually work faster. Now all I need to do is start taking my own advice.
morlandroger Premium
There should be a like button for me to press on your comment Beverly :-)
kyle Premium
I need to start taking my own as well! I doubt it will happen, multi-tasking is a habit now and I can tell you that I am far less productive on a laptop than I am on my multi-screen desktop because I have to change screens to multi-task.

These days you need to be able to connect with others throughout the day while you are working and most of us have several tasks on our plate at once and having them all open is perhaps a subtle reminder of what needs to get done. Less productive if you try to do all at once, but maybe more actually gets done if you acknowledge your actual work load.
Sielke Premium
Kyle, I know exactly how you feel. I'm juggling full tiime work in the military which doesnt even count towards the stuff I have to do for drill weekend since I'm in the National Guard, college courses, and multiple business ventures both online and off. At any given time I'm writing multiple essays, coding multiple websites, putting together Powerpoint slides and designing shirts, flyers, web pages and the likes. I have to constantly focus my attention on one thing to calm myself down.
kyle Premium
The crazy part is that for those of us that do this on a daily basis, we become very good at it. In fact, I find that I get "bored" sometimes if I am not multi-tasking...needing a minimum of at least 2 items to curb my multi-tasking ADD. When I need to get down to business, I can focus on one thing and easily accomplish deadlines but I think multi-tasking can encourage creativity and new ideas.
morlandroger Premium
From the time that you published this it looks as if you were up pretty late. The work is much appreciated
kyle Premium
Yeah, burning the midnight oil! ;) This becomes a non issue when you enjoy what you do, which Carson and I both do.