New Sales Page (SNEAK PEEK)!

Last Update: April 26, 2012

Here is a sneak peek of the new Wealthy Affiliate sales page that is going to be rolled out on Tuesday with the launch of the "Free for 10 Day Test Drive".

We have gone very unconventional with our sales page and have done so for many reasons.

(1) It is FREE to try. If someone wants to check it out, they can try it.
(2) Remove confusion. The longer the sales page, the more confusion it will create trying to explain what The Open Education Project is. This simplifies it in a few simple items (Learn. Network. Build. Succeed.)
(3) We can accomplish everything with "lightbox" style sales page
(4) Removes the "fluff" and the scammy feel of sales pages
(5) People can see the application working in the background :)

The actual content is broken down into 4 tabbed pages. These define the core components of what The Open Education Project is and how it will benefit them as a user. These tabs include:

  • Learn.
  • Network.
  • Build.
  • Succeed.

If you think of any education platform or any business, these are the core components of the process.

You Learn. First you need to know what you are doing. This consists of action items and this also consists of learning through many different mediums (video, tutorial, chat, comments, forum, etc).

You network. You build friendships. You build business relationships. You get to know people and you know who has your "back" and who is there to help you if you need it.

You build. You create pages. You write articles. You build campaigns. You build virtual real estate. You create stuff!

You succeed. Ultimately a result of the learning, the network, the building will lead you towards success.

This is our initial sales page outlay, it will obviously evolve to optimize for ultimate conversions. It will continue to improve, but we are excited about our unconventional, yet slick approach we are taking to our new sales page. It is going to be beneficial to affiliates and is going to actually remove a lot of the confusion as to what we are.

And if someone really wants to know...they can join, FOR FREE!

What about after the 10 days?  

People are going to have the two options after the first 10 days.  They will be able to log into their membership area still, but they will be approached with a two option offer (they will not be able to do anything beyond the offer).

These two new price point options are:

  • $47 per month
  • $359 per year (paid at once)

There will be no other payment options for new members.  The more options, the more the confusion so we are truly simplifying things in every way.   Here is an example of this page:

As you can see, very simple and concise, the direction we have gone with our entire front end sales platform.

Would love to hear your feedback.

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Recent messages
chamaltatis Premium
I agree, this is a lot better!
slayton1s Premium
ikr? It should help all the affiliates out anyway trying to get people in. Some people are just stupid, so you have to be simply stupid for them to understand. lol. Kidding.
kyle Premium
It is far easier to show somebody something than it is to try to explain it to them. I think people will be very happy once they make their way inside, in particular because it is a full, no strings attached access. :)
Incognito Premium
Well done guys. I like it. I can see you're focusing on the KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) concept, which I think is great. The less clutter the better I say.

P.S: Is it ok to use these screenshots for our campaigns?
kyle Premium
Keepin' it KISS! And yeah, feel free to use the screenshots, they may change slightly but we have no problem with you using them
bmark Premium
No more 97/mo offer? Or is the 47/mo $359/year just for new members for the 10 day time period?
kyle Premium
People who are on the $97 offer still have it, but these are the only 2 payment offers going forward. The one year payment offer will be equivalent to that of the PLATINUM membership.

Going forward these are the only 2 payment options.
slayton1s Premium
Hey bmark, new members prob. wouldn't need the Platinum. I think it's safe to say only Affiliates who have been in WA for a while only upgrade to Platinum sometimes. I'm sure Kyle & Carson can give you the stats behind that too.
kyle Premium
Yeah, there really isn't much of a need for the platinum membership now as the $47 is more than adequate for anyone! :)
slayton1s Premium
Good question welshy. I have high hopes for this 10 day free trial coming up so I'm pretty excited about it. I've already got planned what I'm going to do.
kyle Premium
Awesome Seth, do let me know if you have any questions or need a hand with anything! :)
CSmith1 Premium
Looks good, just on my way out but wanted to ask question, if someone joins via FB are you capturing the email address too?
kyle Premium
Yes, we do capture their email address and auto fill their membership email, but they can change this if they like upon signing up.
Carson Premium