New Training - The Art of Email Marketing

Last Update: March 07, 2012

Hey folks,

And the new training roll out continues.  I have just created a training resource dedicated to The "Art" of Email Marketing where I walk through the process, and the core "principles" of  creating a list, building a relationship with them, and ultimately benefiting financially from it. 


In this tutorial I discuss: 

  • An Introduction to Email Marketing
  • 4 Stages to Building an Email Relationship
  • Creating Irresistible Offers that Generate leads
  • Being Transparent to your List
  • Strategies for Selling to Your List
  • Creating Lifetime Customers
If you are in the email marketing game or are interested in starting an email marketing campaign, this training is going to answer a lot of questions and solidify your understanding of the process. 




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jatdebeaune Premium
I'll go through it ASAP. Very timely for me. Thank you.
kyle Premium
Sounds good, let me know if you have any Q's.
Deezdz Premium
Hi Kyle. I havn't started email marketing yet...but I would like to.
Thanks for the resource.
kyle Premium
Something that you may definitely want to consider. Once you have an email list and a good relationship with them, you will have a business regardless of the changes that take place on the Internet. You will have your list!