Promotional ALERT: Huge Jaaxy Promo Coming Up!

Last Update: July 16, 2012

Today I have an important announcement to make. Starting July 23rd - July 27th we are going to be offering some pretty amazing bonuses when someone joins Jaaxy through the Summer Keyword Extravaganza!

On July 23rd...July 28th, we are running a Summer Keyword Extravaganza Bonus. This is going to include a bonus for anyone that signs up as a “premium” (paying) member between these days.

Jaaxy is quickly becoming the most popular keyword and research tool online, deliver the quickest results and allowing its users to capture competition data that is not available within any other keyword.

Like the affiliate program at Wealthy Affiliate, you need to be a “member” of Jaaxy to become an affiliate.

As an affiliate, you can capitalize on this BONUS in a major way earn a good deal in commissions. The average Jaaxy sale after retention is well over $100 in commissions so it will only take a few sales for you to really take advantage of this. That is right, retention of Jaaxy members is well over 12 months...many people claiming they will be lifetime members.

Imagine getting paid for the rest of your life from a single referral!

Jaaxy also has the lowest price point out of any keyword tool on the market, making it an easy sell. At $19 per month for UNLIMITED access to the entire system, it is a no brainer for anyone that needs keywords or to research.

If you are not already a member (or affiliate), you can join via the Jaaxy homepage:

Summer Keywords Extravaganza Bonus Details...

Here is what is included in the upcoming Summer Keyword Extravaganza Bonus:

BONUS #1: Google + Hangout Session #1: The Low Hanging Fruit (60-90 minutes, ALL VALUE)

This is a live training session that is going to walk Jaaxy members through the following:
  • finding low competition keywords
  • how low is too low
  • building lucrative keyword lists and how to utilize them
  • ways you can create content (website content, articles, YT vids, images)

Google + Hangout Session #2: Buying up Google Ready Domains (60-90 minutes, ALL VALUE)

This is a live training session that is going to walk Jaaxy members through the following:
  • How to determine if a domain is going to be available (use QSR as indicator)
  • why keyword domains are so valuable (Google rankings)
  • how to rank a keyword rich domain (show example)
  • buy domains right within Jaaxy

Keyword Riches, 2012/2013 Edition (Never Released to the Public)
  • Coming up with niches out of thin air
  • Using Google Instant (alphabet soup technique)
  • Defining and Capitalizing on Low Hanging Fruit
  • Getting Instant Rankings (via content)
  • Eating up 1/3rd of Google’s traffic (sourcing content to different sites)

Promotional Banners

Here is a blog post you can visit to get a ton of promotional banners and images that can be used for your Jaaxy promotions.

Jaaxy Promo Banners

We will be contacting you later this week with more information and more promotional materials, but as of today you should be ramping up your promotions and getting in touch with everyone that you think would be interested in this, including:

(1) Social Networks
(2) Your Email Lists
(3) Notify people via your blog/website
(4) On your articles
(5) Friends and Family

This promotion is something that you are not going to want to pass up as it is going to lead to a good deal of long term residual commissions for a lot of people.

If you are not a member of Jaaxy yet, you can sign-up here!

Have a great day and we will be in touch soon! Again, this bonus is going to be offered to people that join through the week of July 23rd - July 27th (5 full days). If you are a member before this time you will also have access to these bonuses.
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Shawn Martin Premium
More great opportunities here at WA, thanks Kyle!
kyle Premium
Yeah, for sure. If you have a related site, friends that would be interested, or a following in the niche be sure you take advantage of this one! :)
@RICH. Premium
Hi Kyle. I appreciate you don't want to discount Jaaxy further, but it would be really helpful if there was an annual sign-up option as well, even if it's simply the total of 12 x $19. I find monthly recurring subs. a difficult sell to certain colleagues and clients. Thanks. Rich.
kyle Premium
We will definitely come up with something in the nearer future here in this regard. ;)
David_S Premium
Alright I just subscribed as a paying member to Jaaxy ;) Lets get this promotion kicked into high gear...
kyle Premium
Awesome David, good luck. Let me know if you need anything...I think you are going to find a ton of value in Jaaxy! :)
David_S Premium
I certainly will Kyle thank you!
jpnetco Premium
This is cool. Can we use SA to promote and if so should the links point to a website of our own or can they point right toJaaxy. I think I know the answer, but just checking.
kyle Premium
Yeah, you can use SA... but you will have to point to a website as we do not allow direct affiliate links within SA. Be careful about being too promotional within your artilce as well...there are lots of "keyword" and "keyword tool" related articles out there and you could also make the announcement there. :)
mission0ps Premium
GGreat news, members of wa who don't own jaxxy should sign up under the last person to comment and say you now have it. that way we all spread the love
... Now have it!
mission0ps Premium
LOL ... That's WA for ya ! always helping each other out!