Putting the IDEA of Curation to REST!

Last Update: June 13, 2012
It has come to my attention that there are several people considering the idea of curation as a sound business model. Again, some crafty marketing and another “bogus” Clickbank product is trying to push the idea of taking other people’s content, mashing it up, and then putting it up on your own page.

It is just that easy to create content right? Well...NO. That is why I am writing this post, to help you understand what curation is, why it can kill your campaigns in their tracks, and perhaps some instances where curation can be of benefit to a company, business, or Internet entrepreneur.

What is curation?

Before I explain why you should not “curate” content, I want to explain (for those that do not know) exactly what curation is.

Curation is a mash-up of content. This could be content in all forms (video, text, images, documents) and it could be from an unlimited number of sources. It is similar to a pinboard on Pinterest in that you are taking a bunch of content that is not yours and trying to beautify it.

As the “curator: you are utilizing content from several different sources and creating a unified page or post that hosts the collaboration of data.

Although this may be a fun activity and the actual content may be helpful to the visitor, it is not helpful to YOU as a business operation. Essentially as a website owner. If you want to become a curator you are doing very little content creation, meaning you are no longer creating unique content. You are copying content!


Duplicate content has gotten people ousted from Google for years. Google is seeking original content, content that is 90% (at least) original. If you are delivering a page that is a mash-up of “other” people’s content, guess what?

Google is not going to sway on this. The whole reason that Google launches Panda and Penguin attacks on their search rankings is to prevent stuff like this from being ranked. Sure some curated content will slip through, but ultimately becoming a “curator” of content that you do not own is a flawed business model from the start.

If you are trying to create something that will earn you money online (and do not have extensive resources), you should be running as far away as you can from the idea of curation.

When is curation good?

Curation can be good, just not for people trying to start a business online.

It it’s natural form and from the “digital curation” definition:

“Digital curation is generally referred to the process of establishing and developing long term repositories of digital assets for current and future reference[2] by researchers, scientists, historians, and scholars.”

Collaboration between different entities, including those of likes of scientists and historians can prove content curation as a very powerful tool. Imagine being able to have a website dedicated to all of the resources on a certain type of “plant research”. This is a curation that would prove to be beneficial for “research” purposes...but not financial services (although it could lead to institutional savings).

Curation of your own content within YOUR domain can also be good. Say you have a huge website with a lot of content, if you can take this content and present it in a better way that is easier to understand for the reader, then content curation can be a good thing.

And finally I will provide you with a curation application that I use every day. It is an online magazine that curates content from many web entities online to present you with an up to date mash-up of what is going on across many different topics online (you choose what your magazine looks like).

It is called Zite. They have had $20 million in their second round of funding and have not made a penny yet. If you want to make a run at creating a curation product, this is the sort of funding and competition you are up against.

Influence and Your Content

It is OK to get influence from other sources when creating your content. We all do it. You read an article which gives you an idea on something to write about, or you read a comment within a thread that gives you an idea for a lander.

Some of us even research data points and ideas from other sources and quote them within our content. There is nothing wrong with this. You are using influence from other content sources to make your content better.

Content should be unique (at least to the 90th percentile) and you should focus on creating your own engaging content, using your own ideas. Nothing has changed, nothing is different.

Too good to be true...

This is another instance of “if it is too good to be true” it probably is. This is no different than any other idea that has come along over the years, if you were able to simply click a few buttons, copy a bit of content, and add it to your site, everyone would be a HUGE success online.

If you ever have any questions about methodologies like this, please stop by WA and ask a few questions. We will do our best to point you in the right direction. Our ongoing goal is to make sure you have the right information that will benefit YOU as a business!
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Wow!! I honestly didn't realize that clickbank would put out products that we're questionable or bogus. I wouldn't want that kind of a rep for my co. , you know to be known as a sellout . I am sure some of CB's products are good ? right ? As for the curation , that's just plain old common sense . Don't be trying to take the east way out , do your own work and satisfied in your own labors :^)
kyle Premium
You would be surprised. Clickbank is probably the single largest network for incubating "scam" products online. Although there are definitely some merchants on there creating awesome products, there are many that are not. They tend to hide their quality behind their "easy handout of refunds" which typically come at a rate of no less than 10% within the CB network, even for quality products.
IveTriedThat Premium
While ClickBank does harbor absolute crap, there are legitimate products there. I have a product listed there, that has had 1 total refund. It was from an affiliate that only sent me one hop, so I'm assuming he used his own hoplink, bought the product, then refunded, all to get my guide for free.

Just make sure you do your research and only recommend products you've actually bought and tried.
Carson Premium
Carson Premium
Marad Premium
Where is LIKE button?
Carson Premium
paci Premium
Agree and disagree, in warrior forum some guy/s "break the bank" with content
curation "products". Can`t laugh more :) Those who bought it most definitely will
be disappointed, and badly. But check this keyword;lodge logig 7.5 quart dutch oven your choice of color its my blog #1 page on google, 3. position.
AND content is 95 % COPIED! Honestly...what the h...is going on after googles animal farm attack?
kyle Premium
Google has nothing else to put in place of your content there, that is why you are ranked. There isn't another term under that exact term in Google. This actually does not surprise me...but yeah, if anyone decides to compete with you by creating unique content, say goodbye to your rankings.
gmee Premium
Seems to me that curation as a primary content model is doomed to failure since it gets people to leave your site, as opposed to crosslinking within your own site and stuff. Isn't it just a step or two above auto-blogging?

Heck, Directory Generator and Traffic Equalizer curated. They scrapped links to content what was definitely on-topic. Isn't much of curation just doing that manually?

Maybe it's a way to get some initial traction while you get started, but beyond that?
kyle Premium
Absolutely, the content that is curated draws your visitors (if you actually get any) from your site to the content source. A step or two above auto-blogging?..I think it is on the same level in terms of how ridiculous the concept is from a business standpoint.
ThomasPaul Premium
Would autoblogging fall under curation? or is it something similar, but different?
kyle Premium
Autoblogging would fall under the "bad idea" category or anything that is "auto" for that matter when it related to content.