Resolutions, are they a scam?

Last Update: January 03, 2011

I personally think so.  I do make goals and I have nothing against people making goals, however waiting until a specific date to make a goal has always seemed a little crazy to me.

This in most repsects is referred to as PROCRASTINATION!  How come on January 1st a procrastination is somehow deemed as a "resolution".

You were never told to wait until next month to do your homework.  You were never told to wait until Friday to be nice to someone.  You were never told to sleep in so that you are late for work.

Then why do we need this special day (January 1st) every year to make a new goal?

Read more of my rant here.



PS.  Happy New Year everyone!  Hope your 2011 is filled with joy, happiness, health and success!


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robert2704 Premium
Resolutions! Phhh! I forget to make them never mind keep them. About your blog post. Is your beating adwords guide still up to date?
kyle Premium
@ Jamie

Yeah, that is a good way to look at it...the 1st quarter of your fiscal goals. Wishing you an exciting and prosperous new year!
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Kyle, wishing the WA family great success in 2011 and beyond. Congrats on that wedding planning! I certainly don't have all the answers, but I can share what works for me. I set up goals for weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, and my 5year plan that are updated in real-time as I continue on my journey. For me New Years, really is just the start of 1st Quarter in my mindset.
kyle Premium

Yeah, I agree. I know if I give myself an opportunity "binge" on something, I do. Especially if I set a goal a month, a week, or even sometimes a day ahead. No more cake after the New Year...damn, its July...better start packing down the cake. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
I think it's a little like spring cleaning. You can clean your house all year long. Why spring? People like to think about a fresh start, the beginning anew. Maybe it just assuages their consciences so they can play and overeat in December and take care of it in January.