Rockin' the Pink...

Last Update: October 18, 2011

I am following the trend...

This month is Breast Cancer Month and I have joined in on the cause to support the many families out there that have to deal with this at some point in their lives.  I have donated a heap of gold to Jay in honor of October, Breast Cancer Month and if you have extra gold, shovel it Jay's (magistudios) way.

Also, you can update your WA theme to Pink to represent the color of Breast Cancer Month by clicking the "Pink" button in the bottom right hand corner of your dashboard toolbar. 

Here is my pretty new interface:

Here is the Official Post that Jay made and where you can donate your gold.



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laughound Premium
wow you guys or great, ty
Jamie Smith Premium
Such a great cause, props to brother Jay and yourself. Yep, I am reppin' the pink and sent Jay all my WA gold too.
kyle Premium
Nice buddy!
magistudio Premium
Thanks Kyle for your contribution and support! My laptop seems heavier since you donated the gold bars!
kyle Premium
No problem buddy, just donated more. You might need to put it in a wheelbarrow if you want to make it to the coffee shop!