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Last Update: September 02, 2024
  1. Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star, How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high
    1. Like a diamond in the skyTwinkle Twinkle Little StarHow I wonder what you are!
    2. nursery rhyme
  2. Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star, How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high
    1. Like a diamond in the skyTwinkle Twinkle Little StarHow I wonder w
    2. gvhfyvhfhvfjbvjfbvjfhbvjfhbv vfkjnvkfjnvvfnvfkjnv vkfnvkf vfjvnfkj vkfnvfk
  3. Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star
    1. How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky
    2. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder what you are!

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