Second blog on 28th Feb 2022

Last Update: February 28, 2022


Affiliate Program

The affiliate program at Wealthy Affiliate is not just advanced from a technology standpoint, but you are also getting one of the most appealing RECURRING commission structures in all of the affiliate marketing space. We like to do things differently at Wealthy Affiliate. Other companies try to convince you to attend their "high ticket" conferences, we want to PAY for you to come to our conference.


Every year we run an ultra exclusive WA Super Affiliate Conference in Las Vegas, all expenses paid. You may have noticed a counter in your Airplane Icon in the header, if you can make 300 referrals in a calendar year, you are going to be personally invited by Carson and myself to hang out in Vegas next year.

Read about the experience you can expect, and the path to achieving Super Affiliate Status in 2022. Last years conference was the most powerful, amazing conference to date and we would love nothing more than to have you there next year!

These people all have money and these people could ALL benefit from Wealthy Affiliate, if they knew about it and knew that they could take any passion or interest and build a business online.

Go into a big city, and look around. You will see the same thing. EVERYONE is a potential referral, everyone can benefit from WA, and all of these people would love nothing more than to have their own business online. In fact, I am sure you can quite easily put yourself in these people's shoes.

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