Share Your G+ Accounts Here!

Last Update: July 14, 2012

I know we all have wonderful relationships here at WA, but I think that we should be able to help each other and work with each other to extend our reach into our social networks.

In this case, Google+, one of the fastest growing social networks out there. G+ started off slow as another copy cat, but they are starting to steal a lot of the activity from Facebook because to be honest, they have a much more interactive (and less spam filled) community going.

Anyways, I wanted to drop my G+ account here if anyone wanted to connect with me there.

Kyle's G+ Account

Also, if you want to add Carson to your circle, here is his G+ account.

Carson's G+ Account

G+'ing content here at Wealthy Affiliate can also be very beneficial. If you read a good blog post or training resource, remember to G+ it and share it publicly on your G+ profile (using the G+ buttons here at WA). This will pass your affiliate link through giving you "referral" credit for anyone who ends up signing up through it.

Looking forward to the connection and just share your G+ URL in the comments section below so we can all connect with each other.
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TduhT182 Premium
kyle Premium
Todd, I don't think that is your profile link lol
kyle Premium
Thanks Jamie. How is the bassdrive revolution coming?
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Kyle, 3rd Quarter is going great thanks to Jay, yourself, and Carson's wisdom.