Posts by Kyle 742
This is new test message here.Check for the new link message here my.wealthyaffiliate.comonetwothreefirstsecondthird
Any cash credits purchased can be cashed out for the value you purchased them. When cashing out credits, you exchnage them for US Dollars. We pay cash credits out to your Paypal account on the first of every month. Any cash credits purchased can be cashed out for the value you purchased them. When cashing out credits, you exchnage them for US Dollars. We pay cash credits out to your Paypal account on the first of every month.
There are two new notifications that you will see show up within the Live chat button in the main menu. These little notification bubbles are for Replies to your messages, and when questions go unanswered.
Testing for the new changes.
April 28, 2015
This is testing for images and videos : The image is below :
My website has multiple affiliate programs set up and despite the fact that over 500 people have visited it, none of them have translated into a purchase. I have yet to make a single penny from my website.
Just back in February of this year I thought I found the real deal - it was called Automated Wealth Network - they promised training and support and all that good stuff - but they too were a joke.But I didn't give up - I googled honest website training and guess what came up .... Wealthy Affiliate. I like what I saw - but I was still skeptical, but I didn't procrastinate - I signed up for the free starter membership. After reviewing the site completely - after a couple of days, I did not procras
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