Sweet Jaaxy Promo Banners! Get Ready!

Last Update: July 20, 2012
I have some awesome new promotional banners that you can use for the upcoming Summer Keyword Extravaganza Bonus for Jaaxy.

Remember, this offer is soon arriving so if you plan on taking advantage of this, you should seriously consider your plan of attack with your promotions now.

Facebook Cover Image

The first promotional image is created for your Facebook cover photo. You can see it in action here on my Facebook profile:


Then you want to add a comment associated with the banner with your affiliate link (so people can buy). Here is what I put:

Get 3 awesome bonuses when you join Jaaxy before July 27th.

#1: The Low Hanging Fruit (Live Training)
#2: Buying up Google Ready Domains (Live Training)
#3: Keyword Riches, 2012/2013 Edition

http://www.Jaaxy.com/ (replace this with your Jaaxy Affiliate link)

To view the full size and Save (save as) the FB cover, go here!

300 x 300 Square Image

This images works well on blogs, websites or within ads. Again, you are going to want to save this photo to your computer and then upload it to your website. Then you will want to link the image to your Jaaxy affiliate link.

To see the full size 300 x 300 Jaaxy promo image, go here.

Infograph Full Size Image

This image is great for pinterest (pin it) and will also work very well with an announcement on your blog or website. Many people are also taking advantage of this by posting it directly to their social profiles (with their affiliate links of course). These include:

Remember to again make use of your affiliate link wherever you post it. If you post it on your Facebook or Google+ wall, you may want to use the following text:

Get 3 awesome bonuses when you join Jaaxy before July 27th.

#1: The Low Hanging Fruit (Live Training)
#2: Buying up Google Ready Domains (Live Training)
#3: Keyword Riches, 2012/2013 Edition

http://www.Jaaxy.com/ (replace this with your Jaaxy Affiliate link)

To view the full size and Save (save as) the Infograph style image, go here!

Good luck to everyone with your Jaaxy promotions and if you are not yet a Jaaxy member and you want to take advantage of this, simply join before July 27th and you will get all the bonuses.

You can join through the website and get 30 free searches if you want to check it out:


If you have any questions, do let me know.
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Sielke Premium
Awesome stuff Kyle.
kyle Premium
Images are courteous of Jay! Definitely take advantage of this if you know of anyone that would be interested in Jaaxy. Avg. sale is $100 after residuals.
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks Kyle
kyle Premium
No problem. :)
jpnetco Premium
Do you have to have the new timeline to do a facebook cover? or How do you do a facebook cover? Awesome stuff by the way. and Happy Bday, Kyle
kyle Premium
Yeah, the Facebook cover image is for Timeline. Simply upload that photo and it will fit perfectly in the background :)
kyle Premium
Those are courteous of Jay, Mr. Magi himself (thanks Jay). I encourage all of you interested in promoting this to update your Facebook Cover before Monday (bare minimum) and drop your affiliate link within the comments.
mama2karsten Premium
can I cancel my membership and join again? (just kidding)
kyle Premium
You will get all of these bonuses if you are a member before the 27th...so that means you will have full access to these bonuses! ;)
mama2karsten Premium
I actually already joined jaaxy back in February or March... I was just teasing with you guys... sometimes, jokes & humor don't translate well with my text messages.
mama2karsten Premium
Like the look and idea it a lot!
kyle Premium
Thanks, glad you like them. Definitely going to be a lot of people taking advantage of this one, you should definitely participate if you have a chance. :)