The 2012 Las Vegas Incentive Program Announcement!

Last Update: May 03, 2012

The WA Incentive plan is EVOLVING!!!

Las Vegas Group in 2010

This year is going to be a year of changes, and we are kicking things off with one of the biggest changes to one of the biggest programs at Wealthy Affiliate, the yearly Wealthy Affiliate conference in Las Vegas.

It is NO LONGER based on sales.

Yes, you read that correctly...

Anyone can now make Las Vegas, whether you make ZERO WA referrals, or 500. You don’t need to make a single sale.

Instead, this year we are going to be taking a bit of a different approach. It is based on how you use Wealthy Affiliate, how you help at Wealthy Affiliate, how you become an ambassador of Wealthy Affiliate, and your overall contributions to the Wealthy Affiliate community.

We are going to be inviting AT LEAST 10 people (could very well be more) next year based on their activity within the Wealthy Affiliate community.

What is this going to be based on?

Credibility - You are accountable for your actions within WA as within any community. The more of a stakeholder you become in the community, the more activity, and the more you engage and become a well known figure to others, the more credible you become. This will work in your favor as you will become a source of information.

Helping Others - Know something that someone needs a hand with, why not help them out. Pay it forward, there is no better feeling them helping someone succeed. We all have something to offer others in terms of help, sharing experiences, failures and successes along the way can GO a long way!

Contributions - The more you contribute, the better. This includes writing regularly within your blog, creating training in areas that you are have acquired skills (within the Training Center), and offering training video tutorials and advice (if you like to do video). Your overall "content" contributions will have a big impact in our decision.

Social Activity - The more you participate in the community, the greater the influence on our decision. Being social within WA means that you are actively helping others, and this tells us that you are a committed and helpful member of WA.

Member Rank - Although this is not the pure gauge on who will be going to Las Vegas, the higher your member rank, the more it can help. Obviously all of the above will contribute to rank, so it can be a metric you want to aim high for.

Basically the more involved you are within the community, the greater the chance for you to come to Las Vegas in 2013 (and naturally the more successful you are going to be as you will KNOW more). Make this your home based. Make this your source of finding and sharing Internet related information. Make this your spot for networking.

Again, this may not only be limited to 10, we are inviting at least 10 members to Las Vegas next year based on activity alone! :)

Can you still make it through “sales” alone?

The WA Affiliate Program is a great opportunity. We have one of the highest paying affiliate program on the Internet and we pay out $1 MILLION+ to affiliates each and every year!

However, it does not necessarily make you a Wealthy Affiliate SUPER USER, your actual contributions to the community do.

If you make a lot of sales yet show no activity within WA, you will make a lot of money as an affiliate but it will not guarantee you a spot in Las Vegas (although it may help). It is now required that you participate in the community. If you are an active member of the WA community and you make affiliate sales regularly, you are going to be making a good income promoting something you believe in as well as get a trip paid in full to Las Vegas in 2013!

We have done this because it is now the Wealthy Affiliate conference, not the Super Affiliate conference. It is not realistic for us to expect someone new to make a certain amount of sales in their first year, but any member can definitely offer value within our community and help contribute to making WA a better place.

What is included in the trip?

  • 3 day conference in Las Vegas
  • Get to discuss upcoming opportunities, the direction of WA
  • Get to personally meet us for private meeting in our 3000+ Skyloft
  • Get to meet other high successful Internet Biz owners
  • Party time, social engagements, catered, and maybe even a few drinks
  • Room, Flight and Hotel paid for (up to $1200 value)

I can tell you that 2012 is going to be a wildly exciting year for members of Wealthy Affiliate, people that promote Wealthy Affiliate, but just as important, the honest and hard working members of the Wealthy Affiliate Community.

Our BIGGEST CHANGES EVER are going to be dropped in the first half of 2012 in preparation of the new world of the Internet.

We would love to have you in Vegas in 2013...remember, anyone can make it, regardless of when you join during the year!

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Recent messages
Hussien Premium
wow I love how you guys change things up all the time, I've been here since April and you guys introduced
1. Traffic Explosion 2
2. Street Articles Profile changes and layout changes
3. Live Chat
4. Shoutout System
5. 100 sales to vegas
6. $1 trail offer

Now these awesome changes :) This is awesome!

Please delete my last post, there was a typo at the end :P
kyle Premium
Yeah, this is going to pale in comparison to what we have coming this year....lots of changes from an innovation and evolution standpoint. :)
Jave27 Premium
Cool stuff, guys. This should hopefully prevent some of the downtime around here and help keep all of the information fresh. Sometimes you have to learn the same thing 5 times in 5 different ways before it finally *clicks*, so having a lot more people throw their hat into the ring should help out anyone who's stuck. Cheers to making WA even better!
kyle Premium
And often times there are 5 different ways to do or say the same thing...kind of like the English language! Yeah, this is going to be a great opportunity for everyone..we have some awesome stuff coming and come 2013, being at this conference will probably be lifechanging for all of us.
leesworld Premium
Great of you Kyle & Carson, This will make people to succeed more because everyone will like to offer help whenever anyone is in need of help. However, I hope it will well manage as points being raised by Behealthy. We hope to know more how this will be done and possible give guideline for all prerequisites before this will start. As for me I work hard to be one of the ten. Please, let us know how the whole thing will be.
kyle Premium
There is no set guidelines as it is relational to what others are doing within the community. Those that are most active within WA are often times those that we have seen learn the most, take the most action, and succeed. So I can only see it as a plus to hang out, help, create, and reap the rewards of it.
Jamie Smith Premium
The future looks VERY bright brother Kyle! Joining the WA family in October 2009 is by far one of the best choices I've made during my successful career. I can't thank the WA family worldwide enough for all the love and good vibes up in here year after year after year.
kyle Premium
Thanks would be awesome to host you and others in Vegas in 2013. :)
sherbet penny Premium
Hi Kyle, I like it and I do not. I like the fact that you do not have to make a ton of sales especially in your first year, I also like the incentive to get people helping each other, that is fine as I already know a few people here who do go out of their way to help people especially newbies, but, to me this incentive will lead to people now running about WA "helping" people and defying the point of WA which is to learn, take action, be successful.

I like to help people out of course, but I also know if I spend more than an hour here as time is short I will be missing out on achieving goals which I can see now happening to many people who will probably spend most of there valuable time here rushing around "helping people" and to me wasting their time that should be used to benefit themselves and their future business. Time will tell but people are predictable.
Behealthy Premium
Hi Sherbet. I hear what you are saying and to some point I agree, but not wholly. I like that any member has the opportunity to meet Kyle and Carson and Co, not just super affiliates and this to me is just as much an incentive as the signup benchmark. Yes, you are correct there may well be a sudden increase in forum activity where as before it would be just a handful of people but I feel this will not last. Like you said, we are all here to learn and take action on our own ventures and this realisation will become apparent over time. With most things, there will be an initial excitement and eagerness with whatever it is. Then, what you will find is that it will die down; it will reach a plateau. I'm sure that for most people, their priority is to learn and apply and earn. It will become apparent there is no point in running around helping people all day if their own ventures and campaigns are not getting anywhere...that will not get them out of situation they are in which is to become a successful marketer but at the same time it will encourage more people be helpful. There are a lot of helpful marketers here but they only pass through once in a while now and I think this will encourage if you like, a new batch of "helpers". Those who have time to help more than others will do so and those who realise that a balance between WA and their own tasks is a better approach will adopt that I feel.
All in all, I think It is a great way of keeping the forum alive, which is one of the biggest assets of WA. Interaction has become another big part of WA and I think that is how we learn and assess our own thoughts and habits on things...that means growth, not only for WA but for us.
kyle Premium
I agree with some of your points, they are valid. Unfortunately I cannot reveal quite yet where we are headed and what changes are going to be implemented within WA, which will make this make far more sense going forward.

Helping others can definitely lead to "knowing more". If you can teach someone something through your experience, it can easily re-validate what you are doing. There are also going to be incentive models in place other than just this that will promote activity other than just wanting to help someone. We understand that time is of the essence, and most people have a decent amount of idol time during the day when they are not working on their campaigns, we are aiming to make this the place to hang out though. Like minded people + similar goals = Great discussions.

Lots to come...
sherbet penny Premium
All valid points and I do look forward to seeing how it pans out as I always have faith in you guys here at WA and as I am here near 2 years, chipping in with some help a bit more can not be a bad thing but good,