The "I Can" Mentality!

Last Update: July 10, 2012
Today I want to talk about the monumental difference between thinking you CAN do something versus thinking that you CAN’T do something.

Looking back of the years and in particular when I was younger, I used to say “I can” a lot.

Whether it was riding my bike for the first time, learning how to dribble a basketball, learn how to do long multiplication, ask out a girl on a first date, get my first job...there were a lot of moments through my life where I had to say “I can do this” or I would have never accomplished them.

I could have said and believe that “I can’t” ride a bike...or “I can’t” dribble a basketball....or “I can’t” learn how to multiply numbers...

But I was kid and my vocabulary only knew the word CAN. I believed that anything was possible! The sky was the limit. And as a kid this is what most of us believe.

Then something strange happens...

This CAN mentality wears off over the years.

You lose hope.

You get beaten down by layoffs.

You fret that other people have become smarter than you.

People have probably told you that you SUCK at something (more than once). You probably have naysayers. Even media tells you that you are inferior to others by showcasing people that have money and fame.

All this leads to you saying “I can’t” far more often...

Today I want you to change this mentality.

I want you start get back the CAN in your vocabulary and remove the CAN’T.

From now on, if you ever find yourself saying “I can’t do this/that because...” change it around to “I can and will do ___________ because I am motivated to do so!”.

Carson and I weren’t able to achieve success online by saying I can’t. We never say I can’t.

Sometimes we do say “We can do that (it might not work though!!)” and that is OK. That is part of learning and part of the CAN mentality.

Today I want you to join the CAN revolution and start doing things for yourself in a CAN sort of way. If you never try anything because you CAN’T then you will never be able to achieve anything.

That’s all, nothing more. Just wanted to get that out there! :)
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Boss_Jacob Premium
Hi Kyle your absolutely right, you are your own worst enemy with an I cant mentality only bumming yourself and those around you thinking that way so every morning I tell myself I think I can and i know I can in every endeavor I do, thanks for sharing just a bit of your wisdom Kyle
Great start off !Thanks Kyle.Oh YES I CAN & will stick by till I learn and earn coz I'm motivated by you to do so.
Jamie Smith Premium
It is great to be in the WA family, to be surrounded by people with an "I CAN" attitude!
yessharon Premium
Yes I can do this with baby steps.
Yes I can write at least 200 words a day. I always have enough time to do at least that many words. Each week those words add up and over a years’ time I will have quite a bit of content produced because, yes I can write at least 200 words per day.
200 words x 7 days= 1400 words x 52 weeks = 72,800 words = 145 (500 word) articles or webpages written in one year = Yes I can do this with baby steps.
kyle Premium
This comment was 82 words. If you can do this a couple times of day based on your calculations above, you could accomplish A LOT in a year. I know very few people with 145 articles but this puts it into perspective who something that seems so difficult CAN be accomplished with relative ease.

TduhT182 Premium
A good read after Google class and the G+ hang-out recorded in India!
Labman_1 Premium
Google Class? Thanks for following along...:) I think I can, I think I can. Think I that I can. I think I can do the can-can. But I also think that I can keep that to myself!