The Money Dream!

Last Update: April 26, 2012


A quick heads up.

It has been awhile since I have really put the earning potential of OUR affiliate program into perspective and I thought, "what better time than with our looming launch of Free for 10 coming next Tuesday!"

In case you missed it...

Starting May 1st, 2012 (at around NOON EST)....Wealthy Affiliate is going FREE!

We are offering all newcomers a FREE 10 Day Test Drive to check out the new and vastly improve WA, The Open Education Project.

This test drive is ongoing, meaning that you will be able to promote this offer in a permanent way.

What this is going to mean to affiliates?

(1) You will be able to promote WA for FREE
(2) WA is going to convert like crazy (we are expecting 1:10 conversions on the low end)
(3) WA can easily be promoted in any way, online, offline, within social networks
(4) The profit potential is unbelievable
(5) Everyone has the opportunity to earn a full living promoting WA

Sure this is all fine, but if you are like me you want to see numbers to help put any sort of opportunity into perspective. I can fluff it up all I want, but if I don't show you some realistic numbers and potential, then it is just "talk".

This leads me to...

The REAL Earning Potential!

There are going to be two payment options for people after their 10 day test drive. We are moving back to two payment options. The $47 membership option and we are bringing back the $359 yearly membership option which is the best deal and it will be a very nice converter. You can see the new sales page and offers here.

Here are the payment types:

$47 per month ⇒ pays affiliates $22.50 recurring monthly
$359 per year ⇒ pays affiliates $175 recurring yearly

As you can see, these are good size payouts. I want to put things into perspective for you by showing you a realistic campaign.

Let’s take a lower end estimate calculation on your earning potential. Say that you are able to get 5 people per day to sign-up to WA for free (remember IT IS FREE). This is 150 new referrals per month.

Say out of that 150 people, 10% becoming paying members (again on the low side of things). You will be earning 15 x $22.50 per month = $315 per month.

Let’s say 1 of those 15 people join for a yearly, or $175. Add these together and it will equate to $490 in affiliate commissions in your first month.

BUT, the average membership is 6 months and is growing daily within the new Open Education platform. So after taking this 6 month retention into consideration, you will have earned...

$1965 (after retention) for referring 5 PEOPLE TO JOIN WA FOR FREE in just ONE MONTH!

Let's look at some bigger numbers.

Get 15 free sign-ups per day = $5,895 in potential monthly commissions!
Get 30 free sign-ups per day = $11,790 in potential monthly commissions!
Get 60.... $23,580 per MONTH!

Carson and I anticipate this being the best MILLION DOLLAR opportunity for affiliates to date in ANY industry. The reason I say this is that the selling aspect has now been taken completely out of referring people to WA, now you can get people to sign-up for free and let our service speak for itself.

If you have not kicked your promotions in high gear yet, then you should get on that.

  • Get your email list primed.
  • Get your social networks interested.
  • Let your friends, family and acquaintances know about the offer.
  • Update your websites and blogs
  • Talk to your offline clients
  • Post flyers
  • Get your PPC campaigns ready
  • Get your article campaigns ready

I also have more promotional strategies and materials coming, so stay tuned (keep an eye on my blog).

Tuesday, May 1st 2012. Are you ready for the MASSIVE Wealthy Affiliate opportunity? I hope so.

If you have any questions, just let me know below.

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James Doro Premium
So even though my e-mail list is 7 people, I need should send them a broadcast today letting them know its going down May 1st. Then a day before announce again and finally on May 1st remind them one last time?
kyle Premium
Might as well...don't rely on your email list though, there are millions of people out there that could benefit from WA. It is not just about building a list, it is about connecting with others...whether this is online or offline. :)
smokeywins Premium
It is the dream that keeps me going... The dream of a time when I don't regret the appearance of Monday and long for the appearance of Friday... Trying again with a re-work of my initial IM site. Hopefully this time it pays off...
kyle Premium
It will happen, you work hard and applying the hard work to your Internet activities will pay off. I use the expression that I have never seen someone fail that didn't quit and this still holds true to this day.

In terms of this promotion, you only have to connect with 5 people per day to make a success of this...think of all the people in the world, all the mediums online you can connect with people and all the people in the offline world...the potential really is vast. :)
Deezdz Premium
Limitless potential....don't you love this industry! Thanks for keeping us all updated Kyle.
kyle Premium
Yeah, it truly is. There are 100's of millions of people potentially interested in what we offer here at WA, it is just a matter of connecting with them. The barrier of entry has been removed with free.
bstacy Premium
Looking forward to promoting if I can get my website up!
kyle Premium
You will get there and you have lots of time to build your campaigns as this will be an ongoing offer going forward. :)
fishing Premium
This may just be a lot of fun...come on Tuesday.....eeeeeeeeeaha....
kyle Premium
Yeah...looking forward to it!