The OEP, a Big Thanks

Last Update: April 05, 2012

I just wanted to thank everyone thus far for your contributions, feedback, and excitement towards the new iteration of WA, the new evolution. 

Sometimes change is hard and we realize that it is frustrating to try to learn brand new systems, learn how different technologies work, but we have tried to make things as simple as possible.   I have personally been using it for a week and it has become second nature, there are still some things that frustrate me, but we are only 2 days in and it you will see some of the annoyances within the system improved upon.

Today I wanted to ask all of you that have had a chance to understand how Wealthy Affiliate (OEP) works to give your feedback within the following blog post.

Wealthy Affiliate - The Open Education Project (BLOG)

This post outlines the new system.  As of tomorrow, we are going to be redirecting people here instead of our homepage (as it accurately represents what we are).  

Thanks again and your feedback is appreciated.



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I am getting much more integrated with the new systems. They are pretty straight way. I'm impressed with how much more organized everything is and the new fresh look. I kind of thought the tabline on the top as it was, to me, was a striking feature of this membership site. I had one page still up...on Kyle's blog...still not refreshed. I pulled out my screen capture and got it...posterity! The old look will always be special to me because of the tremendous renaissance in my own life during my stay here. Albeit, the new face represents a building upon that renaissance into ages of great discoveries.
kyle Premium
Yeah, the old site will always have a little nostalgia associated with it, but the new site represents much greater and much more exciting things ahead! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
I'm liking the new WA. Well organized. Like the way the navigation menu is on the left and so easy to get at. Congratulations. It was a lot of work. Is there still a way to access SA from the dashboard?
kyle Premium
SA, what exactly are you referencing? If you are looking for the affiliate program, it is now under "Share Wealthy Affiliate".
jatdebeaune Premium
Actually I was looking for the way into SA from the dashboard in order to publish an article.
kyle Premium
You can within Rapid Writer. You can Publish to SA, which sends the content to your Publish page if you are logged into Street Articles.
Is WPE still here somewhere?
jchilders Premium
Should be under the 'websites' tab under Premium Services in your menu bar.
Carson Premium
Thanks. I can see most everything is still here (changed perhaps) but I welcome the new OEP!
klrrider Premium
Have one site... guess I could convert it to WP.
kyle Premium
Yeah, we are going to force the transfer (in a nice way). We are probably going to give everyone 3 months (with sites currently on Site Rubix) to move their sites over. They will still be hosted an live, but the framework is going to be completely decommissioned and buried in a big deep hole somewhere!
klrrider Premium
Has site rubix been decommissioned?
kyle Premium
Yes, unless you have an active site on it, it will be added back to the menu for those people. It has been decommissioned for others for quite some time now.