The only $7 piece of real esate left on earth!

Last Update: June 07, 2011


I just dropped a blog post on the WA blog that I think all of you can benefit from.  In it I explain my opinions, thoughts and real life examples of domain real estate.  I would love for you to take a minute to check it out:

Is Domain Real Estate a Dying Investment – Pro’s and Con’s of Site Ownership


You will also learn what the heck the above picture has to do with this topic.  As always, your feedback, comments, stories and "shares" are appreciated.

Take it easy,


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kyle Premium
Haha...a little off topic. Tigers have coarse hair, almost like you would expect. Not soft like a cat... closer to the feeling of a horse.
smadronia Premium
I don't have a comment about the article yet, but I have to ask: what does a tiger feel like? are they soft, or shaggy, or wiry, or something else?
kyle Premium
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you like it. I will elaborate on some domain buying and value creation techniques when I get a chance. :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Cool, I noticed something about your blog post on twitter. I am looking forward to checking it out, you always bring your A-game Kyle. I trust your summer is well in hand.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for all the insight Kyle. I'm printing it out. You answered several questions I have. Love the article!