The ULTIMATE Converting Share! (3 steps to Earn $)

Last Update: June 19, 2012
I have added a blog post that will allow you to Invite People to Wealthy Affiliate in a way that will give them an entire "sales page type" description of what they are going to get. All data thus far is leaning towards this being a very strong converted for you and simply by sharing this post you can expect to earn INSTANT cash.

Every person that you refer to this post that signs up you INSTANTLY earn $1 credit. If they go on to become a "premium" member, you earn $22.50 recurring for monthly members, and $175 for yearly sign-ups!

This is a 3 step process, very easy.

Step 1: Go to the following blog post:

====> An Invite to Become a Remarkable Entrepreneur!

Step 2: Share via the Social Buttons

At the top of the blog post you will see a Facebook, Twitter, and Google plus button set. Simply click all of these and it will share these with your respective social accounts (assuming you have them). All of these buttons will pass through your affiliate links giving you credit for the referral.

Step 3: Share With Your Friends via Email

The last step is to click the Email button. This will pop down an email form where you can fill out email addresses (I suggest a minimum of 5) and your own personal message. Upon filling out these details, simply click the "Send Email" button.

Bonus Step: Share Your Affiliate Link

You can grab your actual affiliate link for this resource by clicking on the Permalink button. This will give you a shortened, masked affiliate link you can share or you can share the link in its entirety via the Permalink button:.

You can then share this link anywhere you like. Whether this is your blog/website, another social network, a forum, social bookmarking site, tumblr, etc. Share your way to success!

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when people sign up, I get $1 credit, how i get it? through paypal?
kyle Premium
This is paid via Paypal yes when you reach the minimum threshold. :)
nathaniell Premium
All of these ways to share and promote are great. One question I'd like to ask other people who visit this post is - what's your experience with sharing this stuff with family and friends?

Though I'm not in the Online Business niche, I'd eventually like to start promoting WA. I'm just curious if anyone has met with any success with promoting to family and friends. I remember back when I first started, the response wasn't great. Most people completely ignored me, and some even told me not to spam their inbox.

Even today, when i tell people of my success online, they say things like "Oh, I know a guy who does that. He promotes male enhancement pills."

So does anyone have any stories regarding sharing WA with people you know?
kyle Premium
I know I am in a bit of a different situation, but you could definitely share content with them that is valuable and informative. There is nothing wrong with that. You could do this to get the idea in their head and then once they have heard and understand a bit of what is offered here, you could send them to the invite.

It is free to try for 10 days, no obligations. That alone should be an easy sell. You could also show them some of the work you have done...a ranking or two...a website you have create...this shows them proof and validates what you are doing.
I like this idea!
NatureLynn Premium
Actually, as soon as you added that blog post, I saw the potential and started sharing it immediately. I spent yesterday trying to find the perfect post or training to share and I could not find one that had the same feel as the one you added earlier. Many of them had bits and pieces of what I was looking for, but I wanted one that was all inclusive in it's explanation of WA.

And now this blog post confirmed my instinct that it was a good choice to share it as an introduction of sorts to WA.
kyle Premium
And the cool could create your VERY OWN blog post about your experiences and share that. That is the beauty of being able to share your own content here is that you can create it and then share it (and then benefit from it).
sparkle1973 Premium
WOW! WA is about to explode! Thanks Kyle!
kyle Premium
This will prove to be VERY effective for many and it takes little work. This can also be done with ANY post or training resource here at Wealthy Affiliate. A regular sharing plan could lead to a full time income.
sparkle1973 Premium
Sounds like an excellent way to make some serious money, super post!