The WhoIs Technnique!

Last Update: May 04, 2012


Just wanted to show everyone a unique approach to promoting Wealthy Affiliate for Free.

Who is the target audience for Wealthy Affiliate. Well, it is quite is everyone that either wants to earn more money, wants to create a business, or EXPAND their existing business. This includes just about everyone in the world, so I am going to focus on the last technique.

What is the best way to find someone that has a business or plans on starting one?

Something that owns a domain or website!

You can find these people's contact information relatively quickly through a simple "whois" search. I typically use for my lookups (there are many out there) and here is the link.

Who should you target?

Local businesses need a lot of help with their marketing campaigns, then need help with their websites, and if they could benefit from being part of a community like Wealthy Affiliate.

Also, you could target people within any industry that you want, this can be done all through some very simple searches as I am about to show you. I am going to start with businesses in my city (Victoria, BC) because I have something in common with them (location) and I will likely be able to connect with them far easier than a business that does not share my location.

My first search in Google is: "victoria bc restaurants" (SHOWN BELOW).

This produces tons of results. Your initial thought would likely be to capture the domains on the first page which you can do, but it is the domains on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th page that need the help. These are the people that can really benefit from Wealthy Affiliate and will likely be interested in checking it out and learning how to market their service.

Here are some of the Page 2 results:

I have a bunch of potential candidates already. Now what you do is you want to create a list here (that you will then use with


Now what I am going to do is put these domains into a "whois" search and see if I can get their contact details.

(1), email:
(2), email: (EXAMPLE BELOW)

You can then go on to do this on the corresponding pages and under all types of local businesses. You can also use services like to search for businesses in areas.

How do you approach these people?

OK, you have some contact emails, how do you go about contacting these people.

In a word, relevance.

You need to be relevant with your emails. You need to take the approach that you are well researched and that you truly want to help these people out.

These are the details that you should include within the email:

(1) How you find their site (ex. in Google, on page 2)
(2) How you can help (ex. training for free on how to improve rankings via a community that you are part of)
(3) Your affiliate link and a prelude to the Free Access to Local Marketing Training (could even give them the links to the resources)...or something relevant to the audience. Ex. Get instant access to training on: Local marketing...
(3) Offer your name
(4) Offer your contact email and offer your support if they have any questions

This is an unsolicited approach. We get several offers every day associated with our domain, sometimes we do read them, but only when the offers stand out. We get every offer from SEO to people aiming to sell similar domains and you need to recognize that you are not the only one sending emails via the whois method.

Relevance is the key.

This works within "niches" as well!

Say you want to do the same thing within a particular niche that you are knowledgeable of (would be even better if you had rankings within that niche). Say you are in the dieting niche and you have rankings under various "dieting" terms.

You would do the same thing in Google.

Type in a search term like "how to lose belly fat" and the find domains on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and on pages and plugin them into and perform the same process.

Imagine if you could use this technique to get 5 invites per day (more than possible with a little work). You would have a full time income from this alone, making approximately $2K per month in commissions.

Food for thought!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Good idea. I'll try it as part of my own strategy within my niche. Thanks Kyle.
kyle Premium
Yeah, definitely try it out within your niche. Let us know how things work out. :)
Praise Premium
I thought any unsolicited email would be considered spam (I mean the receiver would be more prone to hit the 'spam' button). And if enough receivers of the emails hit the 'spam' button, wouldn't the senders email/domain/server be blacklisted?
kyle Premium
A possibility indeed, but chances are very slim. Spam typically looks for predictive elements which are usually tied closely to automation. If you create relevant emails they probably won't be considered spam in the first place by the receiver, and even more rarely by a email spam filter.
Praise Premium
Thank you for your patience and clarification Kyle.

Since I learned about single and double opt-in, I thought the only way to solicit potential prospects was to 'attract' them. By 'attract' I mean for example, they come to my website and choose to provide their email. I didn't know I could do a campaign like your suggestion and send out many emails.
yessharon Premium
I purchased a new domain last Sunday. Today I received an email from someone wanting to sell me web services to create that website. They did exactly what you said above. Their offer was too expensive....but WA free for 10 - Now that's an offer I might have tried. Great idea.
kyle Premium
Yeah, free is an easy "sell" in particular if you are relevant and you can show them right away how they could benefit from the "free" service that they can gain access to.
Labman_1 Premium
About 1/2 way through I made the connection with Local marketing. This not only could be used to promote WA but local items as well. Thanks for the head's up.
kyle Premium
Absolutely...this works very well for local marketing as well. As I started writing this I realized that it could be a complete tutorial dedicated to local marketing, but I think Jay is going to be rolling out something similar in the near future.

This will work great for local marketing as well as WA (as businesses need to learn how to market), you could take a two pronged approach with this technique.
Pat1992 Premium
Sounds like a Great idea. As long as you are marketing to the right people and being consistent with relevence and being professional and researched. Sales would be made.
kyle Premium
Absolutely, a full time business could be created using this technique. There are 100's of millions of websites out there that can be leveraged with this technique and you only really have to get 5-10 per day to sign-up in order to have a full scale business.