This is another blog from the CI dev area

Last Update: July 29, 2024

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  1. Content Quality Focus:
    • Our core focus is on creating helpful and useful content through generative AI platforms.
    • We are leveraging OpenAI and will be shifting to the latest stable model with an upcoming update.
    • A significant focus is on improving content flow and transitions, crucial for creating longer, comprehensive articles (800 to 3000 words) using AI.
    • We are working on smooth transition technology to enhance content flow.
  2. Improving AI Content Quality:
    • The next iteration of the author environment aims to reduce AI-specific speak and improve content quality, requiring fewer edits from users.
    • Our approach with AI is AI-assisted, meaning AI does heavy lifting, but human involvement is essential from design to polishing the content.
  3. Advancements in Content Creation Speed:
    • Expect improvements in the speed of content creation with the new author environment, aiming to always be under a minute.
  4. Content Design and Specificity:
    • We are moving towards allowing more specific content creation, beyond just general blog posts.
    • This includes creating specific types of content with custom outlines or templates, streamlining the process for users.
    • We aim to solve the problem of creating content efficiently, especially when leveraging AI.
  5. Future Enhancements:
    • Integration of appropriate imagery into articles, giving users ideas on when and where to incorporate images.
    • Careful consideration of imagery in AI content to avoid overuse or inappropriate use.

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