This is latest blog on 13th Sept 2017

Last Update: March 27, 2018

There is a right way to run an affiliate program, and a wrong way. Unfortunately, affiliate programs and merchants are

One example of this is the Nuance Affiliate Program and I will explain my recent experience that I had dealing with this specific program.

Nuance Affiliate Programreally starting to suffer as a result of not address one of the most immediate and relevant marketing concerns (or so they should be) with their online reach.

So here's my story...

I use dictation, and I have been using it very actively since August (as a result of breaking my hand in a baseball accident). You can read all about the story here.

BLOG POST: I'm broken.

Our ethos is that we are all equal in the affiliate marketing world and that you can accomplish amazing things, without a background in websites, marketing, or the internet. That is going to remain true as we move forward in the affiliate marketing industry continues to mature.

I have firsthand (not pun intended) gotten to see the benefits of dictation in terms of typing speed. I type at a pretty decent pace, typically 80-100 words per minute. So fairly quick. But using dictation allowed me to take things to the next level, sometimes achieving double that.

So, naturally the topic of "dictation" is something that I am going to be writing about and leveraging within my own personal affiliate marketing campaigns. It is also something that I have been and will continue to recommend here within WA.

When deciding how I was going to go about "blogging" about such a program, I sought out affiliate programs in the dictation software space.

Being one of the most popular, established and useful tools for dictation, Dragon Naturally Speaking was one of the first choices. Although I am currently using Mac Enhanced Dictation (free with my Mac), and it is very good, it doesn't learn my speech, my accent and I cannot add words that I say frequently (that are not part of the dictionary, like Jaaxy).

So I am on the hunt for an alternative, I have been recommended Dragon by a few fellow dictators, so this was the natural direction I was going to head with my advocacy.

And Then Their Affiliate Experience Fell Apart.

So, I sought out affiliate programs in this space, one of the first being that of Dragon. Dragon Naturally Speaking is operated by a company called Nuance, and sure enough they have an affiliate program that is operated by CJ Affiliate by Conversant (formerly Commission Junction).

I applied through their website, and it took me to CJ (which I already have an account with).

I have never been more excited and hopeful, but I feel that there needs to be an attitude change by merchants (advertisers) that feel that new affiliates owe them something. Thye should be working to capture their attention, if not, there are plenty of other alternatives for affiliates and they will be move on to better and more receptive programs.

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