This is the first blog on 3rd Aug 2023

Last Update: August 03, 2023

Member Labels

There's a brand new mobile design that helps with differentiating between top level comments and replies. Lines now indicate when conversations start and stop, and the overall design of comments on mobile is more...well functional!

The past few weeks have allowed us to roll out many changes, from tweaks and updates to the members area, to marketing updates and adding clarity to the Starter Membership, to a change in our initial coupon offering where we now offer a FREE domain when moving from Starter to a Paid membership.

A lot of awesome things are going on at WA and you can expect to see many more projects released in the very near future! I hope that the new user labels and functionality to follow one another improves your experience while you're interacting within the WA platform.

Today I'm excited to post about some updates that have taken place just moments ago within the platform. We are always working diligently around the clock to bring the best possible experience to all members of WA, but the past 6 weeks we've just gone bonkers and put things into an even higher gear!

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