Thumbs Down Facebook, Thumbs Up WA

Last Update: April 04, 2012

If you are like me, you probably spend a bit more time on Facebook than you probably should.  I use it primarily for business, however it ultimately does not lead to better productivity, in fact, it retracts from productivity. 

I am not ditching Facebook altogether and this is not what I am getting at.  Facebook is powerful for business.  However, what I am going to be doing is spending more time here on Wealthy Affiliate, articulating my thoughts, providing insight into certain aspects of online business, and interacting and socializing with people here instead of Facebook.


In the 5 hours since we have rolled out the new version of WA, The Open Education Project I would have to say I have interacted in ways I haven't EVER within WA and I am doing so much more efficiently. 

I am actually using the system.  I am benefiting from the system.  And I am encourage to use the system much more and offer much more value.  

You can test something all you want (as we did), but until you have real users to interact with in a live setting, it is difficult to understand those interactions and relationships.  I can tell you I am interested in spending a lot more time here and utilizing WA as my dump of knowledge and sometimes annoyances, but nevertheless, you will be seeing a lot more of me within The Open Education Project (and I am sure Carson as well).

Looking forward to it!


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Countrygirl47 Premium
I also like the changes here at WA and did not see a huge benefit on Facebook as far as business is concerned. This change could not have come at a better time. It will be easier to spend the time within the community and learn which is what i need right now! In fact, I think this is probably the most time I have spent in a while.
smokeywins Premium
I'm looking forward to what the future holds for all of us here at WA! I love the changes and it makes it so much easier to interact with others via our dashboard. I am here for the long haul and success is within my grasp.
WayneBPK Premium
Im really glad you guys did this at this time ... Im still soooo lost lol
kyle Premium
kyle Premium
Check out the "Learn How WA Works" training within the menu here.
TonyaWells Premium
Great! Being that I'm only two weeks old here, I could use all the professional help I can get!
kyle Premium
Let me know if you ever need a hand Tonya, that is what I am here for! Lots of other great people around as I see you are finding out as shortage of help!
Labman_1 Premium
I'm looking forward to it as well, you guys haven't let me down yet. I'm pretty sure this will be a good change.