Twist Tie "niche"?

Last Update: July 13, 2010

Hey hey....

What if I told you that I revealed a niche simply by looking at a twist tie.

Would you think that I had some magical powers...those that only the likes of David Blaine or Houdini possess?

Honestly, people overthink and get frustrated with niche research.  In fact, there are probably a few niche sitting in front of your right now (literally). 

I want to discuss niches, which niches you should choose when starting out, how to find niches that yield LOTS of sales, how to find niches that yield a lot of $$$, and how to find your own niche on the net.


I uncover all of this and more within my latest post on the Wealthy Affiliate External blog.  As always, leave your feedback.



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jatdebeaune Premium
Many thanks for this great blog. I look forward to them all.
kyle Premium
Thanks for your feedback and kind words everyone. The 4th part of the series will be released next week so keep your eyes out for that. :)
iFaith Premium
Oyster Marketing pearls of wisdom. Highly recommended reading for anyone wanting to learn more about markets and niches and how best to find a converting product/s. Thanks Kyle.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Kyle, I am not a fan of Will Smith music, LOL, but I enjoyed your great blog as always.
Old Mizer Premium
Very interesting points Kyle. I look forward to the next one. Moving onto the Pearl.