WA Keyword Tool - What is Happening

Last Update: April 14, 2012


Sorry guys and gals, we have not gotten around to making some of the announcements of aspects of the WA system that were either removed or phased out.  Carson made a post about "what was removed" from WA last week, but today I wanted to explain some stuff that is happening with the keyword research tool here at WA.

First, some stuff was stripped and many are frustrated by this.  We are sorry, but this HAD to take place with the integration of Jaaxy data into the keyword tool.  I don't want to get all programmatic on you, but basically the keyword tool here has become a hybrid of Jaaxy and the old keyword tool, thus causing some feature sets to be removed.


No, we are going to be incorporating the actual Jaaxy tool into WA, once we figure our some of the details in reference to what is included, how many searches, what if someone is already paying, what if someone isn't...all the details really.  

We don't want to manage to different keyword tools and we don't want to build on the existing tool which would create unneeded redundancies in our development process.

How long?

I can say that this is becoming a high priority item for us, we are going to be rolling out our free version of Wealthy Affiliate in early May and this update will likely be soon to follow (late May hopefully).

In the meantime, if you want to try out Jaaxy, you can get a free test drive and get 30 searches.  


Or you can use the keyword tool here, which still works and is still functional and helpful, however it has been stripped of some of the user efficiencies.  For this we apologize, but we can tell you that brighter days are ahead. 

Thanks for your understanding and patience! :)

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TJ Books Premium
Since I have JAAXY I no longer use the site tool, but I was surprised when I took a look at it the other day to see that it was not the same. John
kyle Premium
Yeah, these were removed for technical reasons and because of our upcoming roll out of Jaaxy within WA. :) We are just working out the "cases" as many people here own Jaaxy, there are many different membership levels and combinations.

Expect some movement in this respect in Late May to early June :)
the filbert Premium
Thanks for the response Kyle. I appreciate you clarifying and elaborating that you have plans in place for the future.
kyle Premium
No problem, and sorry again for not clarifying this in advance. We are going to do our best to be more transparent with our vision as this will put a lot of things like this into perspective and curb a lot of frustration. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention.
SDK347 Premium
Hey Kyle, thanks for the update. Just a quick question: when you incorporate the Jaaxy tool within WA, will the cost of it be included with our WA membership? If not, will the WA Keyword tool still be available as a free alternative?
kyle Premium
These are the details we are still figuring out. I will give you an update when we have concise answers. :)
jpnetco Premium
Thanks, did you get my email? I know you have 16 screens open and heading of to party w/nephew, but was just wondering.
jpnetco Premium
Thanks Kyle, you mention merging data between jaaxy and wa kw tool at this time and it affecting user efficiencies, I wonder is it affecting the jaaxy tool as well?
kyle Premium
No, should have no impact on Jaaxy data.
Carson Premium