We are on MARS.what's your excuse!

Last Update: April 25, 2016

If you haven’t heard, we have safely landed a craft on mars...ON MARS!

This got me thinking, if we can get a computer controlled device to land on a planet that is 100’s of millions of miles away, what sort of accomplishments can I achieve? What can you achieve? What can we all achieve?

I hear THIS all the time...

People say I can’t, people say it is too tough, people tend to think that someone else has some special skill that got them to where they were at.

Sometimes this is the case, but very, VERY rarely. More often than not, success is created through perseverence and hard work. That is the formula.

There is a phase you go through to create success. Success is not a singular event, it is a chosen path. You don’t all of a sudden “achieve” success, it is a cumulation of incremental activities.

The point that I am getting at here is that someone just like you (a few people actually) has put a spacecraft on Mars.

To me, the idea of how this could be accomplished and the fact that this is a reality is unbelievable. Through a series of failures and incremental successes, we have been able to take a little piece of metal and direct it to a distant land, a land that is on average 225 million kilometers away (around 140 million miles).

And then, to top that off this little machine is going to take a picture perfect image and send it back through space to use here on earth so we can look at it.

Here are a few of these photos..

So this leads me to a question:


We have people guiding hunks of metal to Mars and you are contemplating that you cannot achieve success online?!

This seems crazy to me and if you put it into perspective of what the HUMAN species can achieve and what the task in front of you is, spending time creating some of value to others seems minimal.

Wealthy Affiliate as an accomplishment seems minimal compared to MARS!

Failures are going to take place. In fact, I have probably failed several 1,000 times trying new things online, however these are all cumulatively acting as part of the road to success. IThe Curiosity lander wasn’t the first attempt at Mars and it definitely was not create without a series of failures.

So today I would like to encourage you to stay persistent, shoot for your own Mars, and work your butt off to get there. Amazing things can and will happen!

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goodsuccess Premium
I've worked with some of the brightest, smartest, people that work for NASA. Big time science engineers, aerospace engineers, computer engineers, and a ton of other "Engineers"...and believe me they aren't any smarter than you or me.

But, what they do have is a deep desire to succeed no matter what obstacles are put in front of them. Kyle is right on...incremental steps to get to where you want to go!
kyle Premium
I believe it. I state this on a daily basis, those who are successful are not necessarily smarter, in many case quite the contrary. They simply are in relentless pursuit of their goals and will not stop until they are achieved.
joeknight Premium
well, lets be honest here, the people who designed ,luanched and this on mars are some of the smartest brightest we have.N.A.S.A. has a lot very bright people working(I know i had a few stay at my hotel)and as for you Kyle, you do realise your really smart,you do realize youthat right?
Stormy1990 Premium
How many failures did Kyle say he has? 1000s right? I once heard the saying.
"An obstacle in the pathway of the weak becomes a stepping-stone in the pathway of the strong" My point here is that the reason Kyle, or any other pro in any other field, is so "smart", is because when they were "dumb" and "failed", they learned from their mistakes and use as a stepping stone. :P

Thanks for the encouragement kyle!
What makes me stay here is being in the right environment, I can feel success right around the corner. A lot of things came together for me this year in here. I know at times I have my moments, but it's because of growth.

I took a ride on an electron microscope down into the depths of a piece of steel, to its walls of atoms. Pretty harrowing to think about existence on this level.

Gotta want to explore. It offsets the challenges. It is just a matter of time.

I can say (virtually) that I have been on Mars. I spent my time in a tiny crater. It took two hours to move cross it to the bank on the other side. I kept going towards a cliff that forms part of the crater. Later I followed a wash-out that went for miles. There was water here in antiquity. I followed until it led to just a big expanse of flat land, nothing but sand. I left Mars.

I don't enter my future, I create it. Too few take action and go for mastery because it usually isn't glamourous. Only the resolution itself held the sensation. Thinking is hard work from which many shrink. Opportunities are often hidden under hard work and getting into places where one is unfamiliar.

The vast majority keep asking, "What happened?" because it is of common belief that the future throws things at us and we're vulnerable and the belief is convenient because there is less thought involved.
Anwar Premium
I totally agree with Daniel
jdeHaan001 Premium
Hey man, what'da ya smokin'? ...naw, just kiddin' bro! That's was good. I liked the story. It was descriptive, entertaining, and took me to a new world. Good one.
I wrote my dreams many times since I was young. If I ever unleashed these writings, some of the farthest reaches of possibilities, so ethereal. I like sharing the out-of-the-ordinary, the odd and the rarity. It breaks up the monotony sometimes.
jdeHaan001 Premium
Agreed. "I don''t enter my future, I create it." is a great motto to live by.
Looking at the future as something one enters is probably the most insidious of all excuses because it masquerades as a common belief.
David_S Premium
I am a firm believer if you want it bad enough you will make it happen. You do what it takes, learn from your mistakes and keep driving forward to your goal. Your goal must be something you totally believe in and is a smart goal.
willdoweb Premium
I dont remember how many attempts it took edison to make the light bulb but I have always liked his view on all of his failures - for the sake of the story lets say that it took him 500 tries. When he was asked about his failures he didn't call them failures he merely commented that he learned 499 ways NOT to make a lightbulb. Success wouldn't be so sweet if it weren't for the mistakes made along the way. After all, without failure or frustration, what could we compare it to?
Perplexed, Edison replied, "Young man, why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up? I now know definitively over 9,000 ways that an electric light bulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp." And shortly after that, and over 10,000 attempts, Edison invented the light bulb.
kyle Premium
Smart goals? Says who? Sometimes outsiders will tell us that our goals are not smart and these are often the people we need not listen to in order to achieve success. Create goals and work to achieve them. Nothing can get in your way on your mission to Mars, something that I think you have gotten down David!
Jamie Smith Premium
success is cumulative for sure, this a great blog Kyle!