What the Hell is Happening?

Last Update: February 15, 2012

OK, you haven't heard much from us in terms of new developments lately, outside of the few things that we have already announced this year.  But what the heck is going on behind the scenes?  Are we sitting on our hands waiting for magic to happen?

Before I discuss what is going on, let's see some recent "stuff" that has happened:

(1) Traffic Explosion 3.0, 1,000 Bonus Keywords, 400 Bonus domains were given away to all members of WA
(2) We have just recently increased the # of domains for GOLD members from 3 to 10
(3) Starting March 1st, all PLATINUM members are going to be getting 100 AWESOME, low competition and high traffic keywords per week.
(4) A Jaaxy trial happened.  The feedback has been absolutely amazing.
(5) WA Chat has been a huge success, people are communicating better than they ever have
(6) WA Hosting is becoming one of the premier hosting services ANYWHERE.  We are continually modifying and improving the servers for Wordpress and it will only get better.  Our state of the art server set-up and high powered servers have reached near 100% uptime across the board.

But surely, something else has to be going on behind the scenes right?

Yes, this assumption would be 100% correct.  We have spent close to a year working on a new infrastructure, a new evolution, a new Wealthy Affiliate...and Carson and I are very impressed by the progress.  However, stuff does not happen overnight.  

This is by far the most sophisticated upgrade we have ever made, and I think it is going to take WA to the next level.  It will absolutely blow away anything out there in the Internet Marketing, Internet Business, and Education realm. 

It is going to encourage more user activity, it is going to encourage more communication, it is going to encourage better and more current training, it is going to encourage quicker advancement of the tools and services offered here at WA.

It is ultimately going to encourage YOU to become a better marketer, a better business owner, and a more successful one. 

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that A LOT is taking place behind the scenes.  If you thought Wealthy Affiliate was good now, just wait...

More updates to follow!



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georgejhaas Premium
Looking forward to the new changes. Thanks for all your our work to date in making it easier for us internet marketers.
WebMaestros Premium
When is schedual completion and introduction date
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers brother Kyle to you & brother Carson. I can't thank you enough for all your hard work and good vibes each day. Sounds like lots of cool stuff ahead, awesome!
Countrygirl47 Premium
Yes, I agree with what Sherry said!
Labman_1 Premium
Pretty exciting. You guys haven't failed me yet. Keep up the good work. I'm sitting on pins and needles awaiting your next breakthrough.
jroth728 Premium
LOL, I was thinking that too Steve!
IveTriedThat Premium
Surely you guys need beta testers, or feedback of some sort.
Carson Premium
Wealthgro Premium
Your current is awesome.
Your focus is unparalleled
Your Future plan will be unrivalled
And the beneficiaries will be the devouted.

Well done for the current
Big aplaud for the future
Great works from Kyle and Carson
We know you are the best from the bests.
Ruggero Premium
To think that I've been around long enough to see almost all the major WA upgrades... I can't imagine what else you could possibly have in the bag! Can't wait to find out :)
magistudio Premium
I think they're going to start travelling around and coming to your homes like publishers clearing house.. :)
jchilders Premium
That would be KILLER Jay! :) ...my dog wouldn't like it though..she's a scaredy-cat